2007 EPT - London

EPT London - Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2007 EPT - London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Level: 20

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 1,000

Perrault Somehow Survives

Pascal Perrault
Pascal Perrault
Paul Mendes raised from the small blind to 28,000 and Pascal Perrault moved all in from the big blind. Mendes called immediately.

{A-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} for Perrault.
{A-Spades}{Q-Spades} for Mendes.

Flop was {5-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{J-Clubs}, putting the Frenchman ahead.

Turn was {10-Clubs}, giving Mendes the nut straight.

Perrault was left with just three cards in the deck for a split pot. The French crowd shouted for a queen, and sure enough, it came on the river. Pascal Perrault is very lucky to stay in.

Cascarino is Out

Tony Cascarino eliminated in 14th place and wins £22,422
Tony Cascarino eliminated in 14th place and wins £22,422
The last Irishman standing -- a former professional soccer player -- Tony Cascarino, who has been nursing a short stack all day, has been taken down by Phidias Georgiou.

Casarino raised to 40,000, which represented half his stack, and was called by Georgiou in the big blind.

The flop was {4-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Georgiou put Cascarino all in for his last 40,000. He called.

{Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades} for Cascarino.
{A-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} for Georgiou.

Turn: {A-Clubs}
River: {J-Clubs}

Georgiou wins with a higher two pair.

Jason Hackett Doubles Up

Jason Hackett
Jason Hackett
Hackett on a short stack moved all in from the small blind, and Fredrik Haugen reluctantly called in the big blind.

{Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts} for Hackett.
{A-Clubs}{5-Clubs} for Haugen.

The board came {Q-Spades}{2-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{J-Hearts} and Hackett doubles up through the Swede.

Mouawad Adds to His Stack.

Joseph Mouawad from Lebanon
Joseph Mouawad from Lebanon
Fredrik Haugen raises to 25,000 and is called in two spots.

Flop is {8-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and everyone checks.

Turn is the {5-Hearts} and Joseph Mouawad leads out for 50,000, which Haugen calls.

River is the {3-Diamonds} and Mouawad immediately moves all in.

Haugen takes a very long time to think about the hand before he eventually releases his cards.

Level: 21

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 1,000

Surinder Sunar Eliminated

Surinder Sunar
Surinder Sunar
Surinder Sunar moved all in for 50,000 and was called by Joseph Mouawad.

{7-Diamonds}{7-Spades} for Mouawad.
{Q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} for Sunar.

The flop was {J-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{J-Spades}.

The turn was {9-Diamonds} and amazingly, although Sunar was behind he had 20 outs to win the hand, but the {5-Clubs} gave the man from Lebanon the pot.

With 11 Players Remaining...

Ian Cox
Ian Cox
We're playing hand-for-hand and play has slowed down considerably.

On a {8-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{J-Spades} flop, Ian Cox checked and Joseph Mouawad bet 40,000. Cox then moved all in for 110,000.

Mouawad folded and Cox showed {2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}.

Phidias Georgiou Out

Phidias Georgiou
Phidias Georgiou
He got it all in against Florian Langmann with {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}, on what looked like a great {Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{10-Spades} flop, but found himself up against {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}. Running sixes on the turn and river means the PokerStars.com qualifier from Cyprus is taken out in 11th position.