2007 EPT - London

EPT London - Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2007 EPT - London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Poker Stars.Com EPT London Final Day

The final table of the London EPT is scheduled to start at 15:30 local time. A quick reminder of the finalists and their chip counts:

Florian Langmann (Germany) 927000
Joseph Mouawad (Lebanon) 780000
Marcel Baran (Germany) 583000
Josh Egan (New Zealand) 477000
Anthony Lellouche (France) 466000
Paul Mendes (UK) 282000
Ian Cox (UK) 234000
Fredrik Haugen (Sweden) 190000

Tags: EPT Final Table: EPT London Day 4: EPT L

How they line up.

The finalists
The finalists
Play has just started.

Seat 1: Ian Cox
Seat 2: Florian Langmann
Seat 3: Anthony Lellouche
Seat 4: Fredrik Haugen
Seat 5: Josh Egan
Seat 6: Marcel Baran
Seat 7: Paul Mendes
Seat 8: Joseph Mouawad

Level: 21

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 1,000

Relaxed Customer

Chip leader Florian Langmann is one cool customer. Playing in the biggest competition in his life with over £600,000 to play for, Florian has had to be paged by the floor at the Vic. A slightly red-faced Florian raced to the table and still managed to make the official photo call.

Tags: Florian Langmann

First Action

After the players take it in turns to steal the blinds we see a flop. Mouawad limped, Ian Cox raised to 33,000 and Mouawad calls the additional 21,000. The flop comes {6-Spades}{3-Spades}{3-Hearts}. Mouawad check-folds when Cox bets 35,000. Then Haugen takes down two pots in a row, with an open push and flat-call flop bet.

Tags: First action EPT London Final table

Haugen Vs. Egan

Fredirk Haugen of Sweden
Fredirk Haugen of Sweden
Josh Egan raised to 33,000 from under the gun and Fredrik Haugen moved all in from the big blind. Egan asked for a count. The total bet was 267,000.

After thinking for a couple of minutes the New Zealander released the hand.

Haugen - a Pokerstars online qualifier - began the day on the short stack but has picked up several small pots already and is now over 300,000.

Level: 22

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 2,000

Big Pot For Baran

Lellouche raises to 32,000 from early position, Baran calls and so does Mendes in the big blind. Flop comes {8-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{8-Spades} checked around.

Turn is {10-Diamonds}, Baran bets 55,000 and Lellouche calls. River is the {4-Hearts}, Baran bets 80,000 and Lellouche calls. Baran shows the {K-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and wins a 382,000 pot with a king-high flush.

Tags: Baran Pot

Lellouche doubles up through the chip leader.

Anthony Lellouche
Anthony Lellouche
Florian Langmann limps in the small blind, and Anthony Lellouche raises 45,000 from the big blind. Langmann immediately moves all in and Lellouche calls without much hesitation.

Over 600,00 in this pot.

{5-Spades}{6-Spades} for Langmann
{A-Clubs}{10-Spades} for Lellouche

Flop: {9-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{4-Spades}

Turn: {9-Spades} giving Langman a flush draw and gut-shot straight draw but the river was the {3-Diamonds} and the Frenchman takes a considerable chunk of the chipleader's chips.