Ciprian Hrisca
Hrisca raised 160,000 and Will Fry called. The flop was . Fry checked. Hrisca bet 200,000 and Fry called. The turn was the . Fry checked. Hrisca bet 200,000. Fry check-raised to 1 million. Hrisca moved all in for 2.2 million. Fry insta-mucked. Hrisca won the pot.
Ciprian Hrisca raised 130,000. Will Fry reraised to 430,000. Hrisca called. The flop was . Fry fired out 1,000,000 and Hrisca insta-folded. Fry won the pot.
What with all the super-fast bustouts, it feels like we've spent more time waiting for the players to come back from breaks than actually watching them play today. They'll be back soon for the thrilling denouement...
Howdja like them apples? Out in third.
Fry folded his button and small blind Hrisca limped in. Jacobson checked, and they saw a flop.
Check, check.
Now Hrisca bet out 100,000 and Jacobson called.
Hrisca simply shoved, his 2.5 million happily covering the meager 600,000 remaining to Jacobson. He thought about it... And thought about it... And called!
Martin Jacobson: for two pair
Ciprian Hrisca: for a flush
Thus we lose our third place finisher, and we are heads up before teatime.
Martin Jacobson raised to 100,000 and Ciprian Hrisca called. The flop was . Both players checked. The turn was the . Both checked. The river was the . Ciprian Hrisca bet 190,000 and Jacobson called. Ciprian Hrisca held for two pair and Jacobson's was no good.