2008 PokerStars.com EPT Budapest

�4,350 EPT Budapest Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.com EPT Budapest

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 3,000

Iversen Takes Down a Huge One

Blind on blind, Martin Jacobson and Albert Iversen saw a {5-Spades} {4-Hearts} {6-Diamonds} flop. Jacobson bet out 30,000, only for Iversen to make it 85,000 to go. Jacobson considered, before making it a whopping 230,000. Iversen flat-called, and with 500,000 in the pot, they saw a {9-Clubs} turn. Jacobson checked and Iversen made it 110,000, forcing Jacobson into the tank. He called. The river was the {10-Clubs}, and Jacobson checked again. After a silent, expressionless pause, Iversen bet 175,000, and a be-sunglassed Jacobson started to stare him down. He checked his hole cards, and then passed. Iversen takes down a 700,000 pot putting him now up to 1,305,000, while Iversen dips to 1,486,000.

Tags: Albert IversenMartin Jacobson

Flush for Iversen

Jacobson raised to 52,000 in the cutoff and Iversen called from the button. They checked it all the way down the {A-Spades} {10-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} {7-Spades} board until the river, when Iversen bet 75,000. Jacobson called, and Iversen showed the {6-Spades} {8-Spades} for the flush and the win.

Zoltan Toth Eliminated in 7th Place (�78,736)

Zoltan Toth = 7th Place
Zoltan Toth = 7th Place
Hand #17. Gino Alacqua limped from the cutoff for 20,000. Albert Iversen called from the small blind. Zoltan Toth was super short and moved all in from the big blind for 43,000. Albert Iversen and Gino Alacqua both called and checked it down. The board ran out {8-Spades} {4-Clubs} {3-Hearts} {Q-Hearts} {3-Spades} . Zoltan held {6-?} {2-?} and Iversen won the pot with {Q-Clubs} {10-Diamonds}.

Zoltan Toth, the only Hungarian player at the final table, was eliminated in 7th place. Down to six players.

Tags: Albert IversenGino AlacquaZoltan Toth

Updated Chip Counts

Martin Jacobson - 1,950,000
Ciprian Hrisca - 1,288,000
Albert Iversen - 788,000
Marino Serenelli - 429,000
Gino Alacqua - 354,000
William Fry - 300,000
Zoltan Toth - 43,000

Johnny Lodden Eliminated in 8th Place (�53,200)

Lodden = Busto
Lodden = Busto
Hand #16. Johnny Lodden raised 55,000 from under the gun. Zoltan Toth called. Ciprian Hrisca made a few jokes with Johnny Lodden and folded. Martin Jacobson called.

The flop was {J-Diamonds} {8-Spades} {2-Diamonds}. Lodden bet 125,000. Zoltan called. Jacobson moved all in. Lodden called. Zoltan called and had everyone covered.

Lodden: {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts}
Jacobson: {10-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds}
Zoltan: {A-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds}

Massive pot. Lodden was ahead with pocket Kings agaist Zoltan's nut flush draw and Jacobson's gutshot and smaller flush draw.

The turn was the {7-Hearts}. And the river was the {9-Clubs}. Jacobson won the pot with a straight. He doubled through Zoltan. Lodden was eliminated in 8th place. Jacobson took over the chiplead and has almost 2 million in chips. Zoltan was crippled and left with around 40,000.

Tags: Johnny LoddenMartin JacobsonZoltan Toth

Sevens Lucky for Zoltan

Zoltan limped in, as did Gino Alacqua in the small blind; big blind Jacobson checked.

It checked around to Zoltan on the {J-Spades} {2-Hearts} {3-Spades} flop, who made it 60,000. The others passed, and he showed pocket sevens.