Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst has chipped up and eliminated an opponent in a recent hand. Dunst raised preflop to 1,500 and both of the blinds called. The flop came and both players checked to Dunst, who bet 3,000. The small blind then proceeded to jam all of his chips into the middle for 18,000. The big blind folded, and Dunst paused for a moment, before calling.
Small Blind:
The turn and river blanked giving Tony Dunst a boost to 49,000 and sending his opponent to the rail.
Chris Barratt is quickly thinning our field here in the turbo tournament.
In the latest hand Barratt's opponent moved over the top of a raise, all in for 15,500 on a flop of . Barratt made the call and tabled for an up and down straight draw, his opponent hoping that his own could hold up.
Barratt made his hand with the turn and the river blanked a repeat . His opponent was understandably not impressed and walked away muttering some rather pleasantries at Barratt.
Today has been a bit of a grind for Roy Vandersluis. Short-stacked early, he's been patiently waiting to get his chips in and double up. Finally he got the opportunity after being dealt under the gun. He shoved all in and action folded to a late-position player who went into the tank. As the player's time to act on his hand ran down, Vandersluis' hopes of a call faded. Finally the dealer timed the player out and mucked his hand. Vandersluis tabled his hand and added 900 to his stack, which is still precariously short at 3,300.
Gary Benson
Gary Benson fired out a bet on the river with the board showing five overcards to his . Amazingly, Matt Hawker must have put him on a stone cold bluff, because he made the call, and then mucked when Benson tabled his pair of deuces.
Benson jokingly claimed he was value-betting his hand. He's up to 49,000.
Luke Abolins
Luke Abolins has just eliminated an opponent in a preflop confrontation. From early position the opponent open-shoved for 3,700 and Abolins made the call.
Early Position:
The board ran out , adding some more chips to Abolins' stack; he moves up to 13,000.
Billy Seri
Three players limped up to the flop, including Billy Seri and Vincent Chua. The flop came with Chua checking to Seri, who fired out a 1,200-chip bet. Chua called and the turn came the which both players checked. On the river Chua once again checked to Seri, who bet out 2,100. Chua went into the tank and eventually called.