2009 Aussie Millions

Event 17 - $1,100 No Limit Hold'em Turbo
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Matt Dietrich
Winning Hand
42,900 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

Level: 5

Blinds: 150/300

Ante: 0

Steve Topakas Down

PokerNews' Justin Dorazio
PokerNews' Justin Dorazio
Steve Topakas has tangled with PokerNews reporter Justin Dorazio and came off second. Preflop Topakas made it 600 to go and Dorazio came over the top for 1,900. Topakas made the call and the two saw a flop of {4-Spades}{5-Spades}{9-Spades}. On the flop Dorazio was straight out of the gate, making it 2,400 to Topakas who moved all in, covering Dorazio, who had 7,200 chips total. Dorazio made the call and tabled {q-Spades}{q-Hearts} and was marginally behind the {5-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} of Steve Topakas.

The turn would virtually seal the hand for Dorazio with the {3-Spades} and the {10-Spades} on the river did nothing to help Topakas. Topakas drops to 2,500. Dorazio has over 20,500 in chips.

Tags: Justin Dorazio

Clint Jordanou Takes a Hit

From the small blind, Clint Jordanou raised to 500 and the big blind called. The flop came {4-Hearts} {K-Spades} {5-Diamonds} and Jordanou put out a continuation bet of 700. His opponent called and the {A-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Jordanou bet 1,200 and his opponent immediately went all in for an additional 1,700. Jordanou called with {A-Clubs} {J-Clubs}, but was drawing dead against his opponent's {4-Spades} {4-Clubs}. The river was a meaningless {J-Spades} as Jordanou is down to about 3,200.

Tags: Clint Jordanou

Vincent Chua Rolling

Vincent Chua is chipping up. On a flop of {8-Hearts}{a-Spades}{5-Hearts} an opponent in middle position bet 625 and Chua made the call. The turn {5-Spades} saw the opponent fire 1,600 and Chua came over the top for 5,600. After tanking awhile the opponent made the fold and and Chua showed {6-Hearts}{7-Hearts} for an up and down straight flush draw.

He rolls over the 20,000 mark.

Justin Dorazio Further Cripples John Dalessandri

John Dalessandri eliminated
John Dalessandri eliminated
Shortly before the break, in a clash of short stacks Justin Dorazio's {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} got the better of John Dalessandri's {7-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Dalessandri opened and Dorazio shoved over the top with Dalessandri making the call, covering him by just 75 chips.

The board ran out {6-Hearts}{k-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{a-Diamonds} giving Dorazio some temporary breathing room at 400, and dropping Dalessandri down to 75 in chips. Dalessandri would hang on a while longer, doubling up twice before finally getting pocket tens all in against pocket fours, with a four spiking the river.

Level: 4

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

James Obst Eliminates Opponent

James "Andy McLEOD" Obst
James "Andy McLEOD" Obst
James Obst has started the day the right way. In a preflop battle of the blinds Obst's opponent raised it up, only for Obst to play back. The opponent moved over the top all in for 4,100 and Obst made the call.

Obst tabled {q-Hearts}{q-Spades}, and his opponent let out a huff and flipped over {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. The board ran out {6-Spades}{7-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} moving Obst up to 11,000 in chips and sending his opponent to an early exit today.

Tags: Andy McLeodJames Obst