2011 World Series of Poker

Event #32: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Three Tables

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

After a flurry of eliminations, we are down to three tables:

2781David Pishvafar
2782Bodo Sbrzesny
2783Marc Mclaughlin
2784Adam Geyer
2785Michael Blocksidge
2786Vincent Lucardie
2787Daniel Heffner
2788Michael Whitfield
2801Corbin White
2802Chris Gonzales
2803Jakob Tostesen
2804Dror Michaelo
2805Kirk Caldwell
2806Chamath Palihapitiya
2807Michael Aron
2808Daniel Close
2809Rodrigo Portaleoni
2831Kyle Cartwright
2832Gabriel Morin
2833Kyle Bonazzo
2834Philip Lowery
2835Josh Brikis
2836Martin Stevens
2837Pham Kimphuc
2838Gary Dishongh
2839Randy Haddox

Aron Doubles Up

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

On a flop of {7-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{8-Hearts}, Seyed Madani led out with a bet of 40,000. Robert Aron made it 110,000 to go and Madani decided to min-raise the action to 220,000. Aron made the call and the two were off to a turn.

Fourth street fell {7-Clubs} and Madani announced that he was all in.

"Are you ready to go home, sir?" asked Aron before making the call, flipping up {A-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}

Madani was behind, holding {Q-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and failed to improve when a {6-} fell on the river. Aron is now sitting with 1,250,000.

Tags: Robert AronSeyed Madani

Dreyfuss' Wild Ride Part III

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Although Lee Dreyfuss was able to double up several times, he finally met his fate at the hands of Adam Geyer. The money was put in preflop with Geyer holding {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds} against Dreyfuss' {A-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}.

The board spelled trouble immediately for Dreyfuss, falling {7-Hearts}{3-Spades}{5-Clubs} and giving Geyer a set of sevens. The turn and river came {A-Hearts}{5-Spades} and Dreyfuss was sent to the rail.

Tags: Adam GeyerLee Dreyfuss

Heffner Gets There

Daniel Heffner opened to 25,000 on the button, Adam Lippert moved all in for 270,000 from the small blind, and Heffner tank-called.

Heffner: {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}
Lippert: {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}

The flop was brutal for Lippert - {k-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}. He now needed an ace or running straight cards, but received neither when the turn and river came {6-Diamonds}, {j-Hearts} respectively.

"Never good there," Lippert was muttering after the hand. "Ever."

Lippert was left with just 50,000 chips, while Heffner climbed above 500,000.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Heffner us
Daniel Heffner
Adam Lippert us
Adam Lippert

Tags: Daniel HeffnerAdam Lippert

Dreyfuss' Wild Ride Part II

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Lee Dreyfuss managed to double his stack once more, getting it all in with {4-}{3-} against {A-}{Q-}, making a seven-high straight.

A few hands later, Adam Geyer raised to 24,000 from under the gun. Dreyfuss just called and the rest of the table sent their cards into the muck. The flop came {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and Geyer went to bet. Dreyfuss immediately moved the rest of his stack in and the cards were flipped up.

Dreyfuss: {6-Clubs}{6-Hearts}
Geyer: {9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}

The turn and river were of no help to Geyer and Dreyfuss' pair of sixes held up. From having one 1,000 chip in front of him, he has now managed to build his stack to 180,000.

Tags: Adam GeyerLee Dreyfuss

Ripp Snipped

Sean Ripp prior to his elimination.
Sean Ripp prior to his elimination.

Michael Anon opened to 25,000 from early position, Seyed Madani called in middle position, and Sean Ripp moved all in for 237,000 from the big blind. Anon mucked, but Madani made a hero call.

Madani: {a-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Ripp: {a-Spades}{6-Spades}

The board ran {8-Hearts}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}, and Ripp was eliminated in 32nd place.

Player Chips Progress
Seyed Madani
Seyed Madani
Sean Ripp us
Sean Ripp

Tags: Michael AnonSeyed MadaniSean Ripp

Dreyfuss' Wild Ride

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

After an all in confrontation preflop, Philip Lowery's tournament life was on the line holding {Q-Spades}{J-Spades} against the {A-Spades}{K-Hearts} of Lee Dreyfuss.

The flop fell perfectly for Lowery, coming {3-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}. He improved even further when the {J-Hearts} hit the turn. Dreyfuss managed to pair up when the {K-Hearts} rivered, but it was meaningless against the two pair of Lowery. This hand crippled Dreyfuss, leaving him with only 5,000 in chips.

Dreyfuss folded his next hand, and by the time another hand rolled around, he was left with 1,000 after putting an ante of 2,000 in the middle. He managed to get it all in with {A-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} against Marc McLaughlin's {A-Spades}{J-Diamonds}. The door card was a {3-Hearts}, pairing Dreyfuss and giving him a lead that he held throughout the rest of the hand. Dreyfuss is still in the danger zone, but has taken the first step to building his stack back up.

Tags: Philip LoweryLee Dreyfuss