2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 4
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Level: 26

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hand #49 - Vitaly Lunkin

Dani Stern has the button in Seat 8. Vitaly Lunkin completes the small blind and Alec Torelli checks from the big blind.

The flop is {A-Spades} {Q-Spades} {5-Diamonds} and both players check. The turn is the {6-Spades} and they both check again. The {A-Diamonds} falls on the river and Lunkin checks a third time. Torelli bets 100,000 and Lunkin calls.

Torelli shows {8-Spades} {4-Hearts} , Lunkin shows {K-Clubs} {J-Clubs} and his king high is good enough to take down the pot.

Go Lex! Lex Goes.

Lex's fan club roots him all of the way to seventh
Lex's fan club roots him all of the way to seventh
The exit of Lex "RaSZI" Veldhuis means we also must say goodbye to his cheering section, which included Karina Jett ("Go"), Evelyn Ng ("Lex"), and Maridu Mayrinck (!!:)).

There will be a short break in the action while Veldhuis conducts his bustout interview.

Hand #47 - Lex Veldhuis Eliminated in 7th Place ($277,940)

Lex Veldhuis - 7th Place
Lex Veldhuis - 7th Place
Justin Bonomo has the button in Seat 6. Greg Raymer opens for 200,000 and Lex Veldhuis moves all in from the small blind for 1,265,000. Raymer makes the call.

Veldhuis {A-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds}
Raymer {K-Diamonds} {K-Spades}

Veldhuis misses the flop, which comes down {J-Hearts} {6-Clubs} {2-Clubs}. The turn is the {Q-Clubs} , still no help for Veldhuis, who is looking for one of the three remaining aces. He doesn't find it, though, the river falling the {10-Spades} to send him to the rail. Veldhuis is eliminated in 7th place, earning $277,940 while Raymer adds to his ever-growing stack.

Calm Before the Storm

The crowd has returned from the break in a somewhat less boisterous mood than we saw just prior, and the sequence of hands without showdowns has kept them relatively subdued over the last 20 minutes of play.

One big hand could change things quickly, however. And it appears we have just such a hand brewing.... Stay tuned.

Hand #46 - Justin Bonomo

Greg Raymer has the button in Seat 5. Justin Bonomo completes the small blind and Lex Veldhuis checks his option.

The flop is {A-Diamonds} {K-Clubs} {J-Hearts}. Bonomo leads out for 100,000 and Veldhuis calls. The turn is the {4-Hearts} and both players check. The {K-Diamonds} falls on the river and Bonomo bets 250,000. Veldhuis tanks for a bit, then gives up his hand, conceding the pot to Bonomo.