2008 PokerStars.net EPT San Remo

EPT San Remo
Day: 4
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.net EPT San Remo

Event Info
Players Left
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Anthony Lellouche and Eric Koskas Go To Showdown

Anthony Lellouche limped in from the cutoff seat. Dario Minieri folded on the button as did Gregory Genovese from the small blind. Eric Koskas checked his big blind option and it was heads up to the flop. The flop came {K-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{5-Clubs} and both players checked. The {2-Diamonds} had both players checking again. The river came the {J-Diamonds} and again Koskas checked. Lellouche was done checking, he quickly bet 60,000. Koskas slid out the call and Lellouche showed Q-T. Koskas tapped the felt and flashed Q-3 as he tossed it into the muck. Lellouche wins the pot.

Eric Koskas Doubles Up

Erik Koskas
Erik Koskas
Gregory Genovese made a raise to 95,000 and Eric Koskas re-raised all in. Gregory made a quick call and the cards were on the backs:

Eric {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}
Gregory {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}

The board fell {3-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}

Eric Koskas wins a 968,000 chip pot and leaves Gregory Genovese with 179,000 chips.

Tags: Erik Koskas

William Thorson Eliminated in 6th Place ($216,946)

William Thorson - 6th Place
William Thorson - 6th Place
William Thorson opened for a raise to 85,000. Jason Mercier put in a reraise to 225,000. Thorson thought a bit and announced all in and Mercier immediately called. They showed:

Thorson: {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}
Mercier: {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}

The flop was disaster for Thorson as it came {K-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{5-Clubs}. He needed to go runner-runner to stay alive. The drama ran high as the {A-Clubs} hit the turn. Thorson was drawing dead and the {4-Diamonds} was a mere formality. Thorson let a dissapointed smile slip as he shook hands with the table and headed towards the payout table to pick up his $216,946 consolation prize.

Tags: Jason MercierWilliam Thorson

Gregory Genovese Reraises Eric Koskas

Eric Koskas opened the pot for a raise to 75,000 from early position. Action folded around to Gregory Genovese in the big blind who looked at his cards. Genovese gave them a look as though they were rags prompting one of the commentators to quip "that's a fold." About ten seconds later, Genovese declared "all in."

With action back to Koskas, he said "Count," although most at the table and in the gallery thought he said "Call." After the clarification, it was determined that Genovese had Koskas covered so the call would be for his tournament life. Koskas took about two minutes before finally folding and Genovese picked up a much needed pot.