Snowmen is a common term in poker, specifically referring to a pair of eights (8-8) in one's initial hand. The term is derived from the visual similarity between the number '8' and a snowman.

What are Snowmen in Poker?
In poker, a variety of terms and slang are used to denote certain hands and situations. "Snowmen" is one such term. A pair of eights (8-8) is often referred to as "Snowmen" due to the resemblance of the number '8' to a snowman. This term is universally used across all poker variants, whether online or live, in both tournaments and cash games.
The Significance of Snowmen
Understanding the term "Snowmen" is vital for all poker players, beginners and advanced alike. As the term pertains to a specific hand (pair of eights), it provides insight into the strength of the hand held. In terms of hand ranking, a pair of eights is considered a moderately strong hand, being a middle pair.
It can be difficult to play the Snowmen hand. Two eights are too strong of a hand not to play, yet their playability postflop isn't the best. That being said, if there is a lot of pre-flop action, you can find a fold with Snowmen. If you do play, it's likely you'll be facing overcards, but best case realistic scenario is you flop a set.
Example of "Snowmen"
Imagine a situation where you are dealt a pair of eights, also known as 'Snowmen'. The flop comes out to be 10, 9, 2. While your pair of eights is a moderately strong hand, there's a possibility for an opponent to have a straight if they have Q-J. This is where the expertise of poker comes into play, knowing when to play your 'Snowmen' aggressively and when to fold them.
- "I was dealt Snowmen and took the pot after the flop showed a 10, 9, and 2."
- "She played her Snowmen conservatively as there was a potential straight on the table."
- "Holding Snowmen, he decided to raise before the flop."
Why are eights referred to as Snowmen in poker?
Eights are referred to as Snowmen in poker because the number '8' closely resembles a snowman.
How should I play Snowmen in a poker game?
The strategy for playing Snowmen depends on various factors such as the number of players, their playing style, and the community cards. It's a moderately strong hand but can be surpassed by higher pairs or straights.
Are Snowmen considered a good hand in poker?
Yes, Snowmen or a pair of eights is considered a moderately strong hand in poker. However, it can be defeated by higher pairs, straights, or flushes.
Is the term Snowmen used in both online and live poker?
Yes, the term Snowmen is universally used in poker, be it online or live games.
Can Snowmen be used in both tournaments and cash games?
Yes, the term Snowmen can be used in both poker tournaments and cash games.