"Heinz" is a poker term specifically referring to a hand consisting of 5-7, which is named after the famous "57 Varieties" slogan of the Heinz company.

What is Heinz in Poker?
In poker, a variety of terms and slang are used to describe certain hands and situations. "Heinz" is one such term. A hand consisting of a five and a seven (5-7) is often referred to as "Heinz". This term is used across all poker variants, whether online or live, in both tournaments and cash games.
The Significance of Heinz
Understanding the significance and strength of the Heinz hand is crucial to know how to play it in poker. In general, Heinz is a terrible hand to hold and should be folded preflop in most cases. Even hitting one pair on the flop or later streets, you are unlikely to take down the pot with just that hand.
That being said, Heinz is a one-gapper, meaning there is slightly more chance of hitting a straight. If you do hit a straight, your hand is fairly disguised and opponents might not give you credit for making a straight. However, the chances of making a straight with the Heinz hand is still relatively low.
Example of "Heinz"
Imagine a situation where you are dealt a Heinz. The flop comes out to be 4, 6, 8. With your Heinz, you now have a straight, which is a strong hand. However, there's always a possibility for an opponent to have a higher straight, a flush, or a full house if the turn and river cards are unfavorable.
- "I was dealt a Heinz and hit a straight after the flop showed a 4, 6, and 8."
- "She played her Heinz cautiously, as it is not a strong starting hand."
- "Holding a Heinz, he decided to see the flop hoping for a straight."
What does Heinz mean in poker?
Heinz is a term in poker used to describe a hand consisting of a five and a seven. It is named after the famous "57 Varieties" slogan of the Heinz company.
How should I play a Heinz in a poker game?
A Heinz is not typically considered a strong hand in poker, so it should generally be played cautiously. However, if the community cards are favorable, a Heinz can lead to a straight.
Is Heinz considered a good hand in poker?
No, a Heinz (a hand of a five and a seven) is not considered a strong hand in poker. However, it can still win the pot if the community cards are favorable.
Is the term Heinz used in both online and live poker?
Yes, the term Heinz is used in poker, whether it's online or live games.
Can Heinz be used in both tournaments and cash games?
Yes, the term Heinz can be used in both poker tournaments and cash games.