Colt 45
In poker, "Colt-45" is a term used to refer to the hand of four five (4-5). The reference originates from the obvious similarities between the name of the gun and the cards of the hand.

"What Does Colt-45 Mean in Poker?
In the context of poker, specifically Texas Hold'em, "Colt-45" is a nickname for the starting hand of 5-4. The term is a reference to the Colt-45 gun.
In general, it's not considered to be a good starting hand. However, especially in the case where it's suited, it can have a lot of playability on the flop and later streets. For instance, as a suited-connector, you can more easily make straights and flushes. But be cautious, as if you do make a flush it won't be the nut flush and you could lose to a higher one.
Example of "Colt-45"
An example of the Colt-45 hand is a player gets dealt 4-5 under the gun. With multiple players left to act, they fold, opting to wait for a better position to get involved in a pot and potentially take it down.
- "I was dealt Colt-45 under the gun and decided to fold."
- "He got Colt-45 in the cutoff and decided to call, seeing if he could hit the flop."
- "Despite holding just the Colt-45 hand, she still managed to take down the pot."
Should I always fold a Colt-45 hand?
While the numerical value of the cards is low, 4-5 is a connected hand that makes making a straight more likely.
What are the odds of being dealt a Colt-45?
In Texas Hold'em, the odds of being dealt the Colt-45 hand is 0.45%.
What is the best case scenario for a Colt-45 hand?
Realistically, the best case scenario when holding 4-5 would be making a straight.