Online Railbird Report: Georgi & Blom Among Biggest Winners

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Viktor "Isildur1" Blom

Now that the World Series of Poker has wrapped for the summer, it seems that the action on the virtual felt is beginning to pick up. Not only that, but the high-stakes games should only get better because a number of pros are flocking to Canada to set up residence to play online poker. Daniel Negreanu, a native Canadian, will return to his homeland for the upcoming WCOOP, while Phil ��OMGClayAiken�� Galfond has already set up shop and Daniel ��jungleman12�� Cates is in the process of attempting to make the Great White North his home.

In the past week��s action, Davin ��mTw-DaviN�� Georgi ended up as the biggest winner with a decisive $320,061 spread across a hefty 245 sessions involving 18,897 hands. In fact, the only other big winner who put in more volume was Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom. He won $242,042 in 31,992 hands spread across 323 sessions.

The biggest losers of the week were a pair of familiar names: Ben "Sauce1234" Sulsky and Ville Wahlbeck. Sulsky dropped $328,007 in 19 sessions spanning 3,991 hands and Wahlbeck dropped $151,182 in 15 sessions comprising 2,566 hands.

Monday Funday for ��mTw-DaviN��

If you��re a Warcraft 3 fanatic, you might recognize the name Davin Georgi. The 24-year-old German gamer, known as ��mTw-DaviN�� online, emerged as the week��s biggest winner after profiting $320,061. A large part of that, approximately $121,000, came from the $25/$50 PLO tables on Monday where he played a mind-boggling 86 sessions over 16 hours.

In his biggest pot of the day, a six-handed game saw action folded to Georgi ($35,717) in the cutoff and he raised to $150. The button and small blind both folded while Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom ($21,474.90) three-bet to $535 from the big blind. Georgi made the call and then called Blom��s $1,152 bet on the 3?J?4? flop.

Blom slowed down by checking the 10? turn, allowing Georgi to fire out $2,350. Blom was waiting in the weeds and woke up with a check-raise to $10,506; however, Georgi simply moved all-in, and Blom called off his remaining $9,281.89.

Georgi: J?J?K?6?
Blom: 3?10?Q?A?

Blom had turned two pair, but it was far behind the top set of Georgi; in fact, the Swede needed a king on the river to complete his straight and take down the pot. Luckily for Georgi, the 10? rolled off, giving him the better full house, and he took down the $42,974.80 pot.

Isildur1 vs. Sauce1234

Last Saturday, Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom got his grind on by playing 5,500 hands over 12 hours. He was obviously doing something right because he was the day��s big winner with $334,000. Much of it came from a match against Ben "Sauce1234" Sulsky who battled the Swede for over seven hours, finally quitting after losing $328,000.

In one of the more interesting hands between the pair, Sulsky ($49,334) raised to $300 on the button only to have Blom ($75,950.75) three-bet to $1,100 from the big blind. Sulsky pushed back with a four-bet to $3,444, Blom called, and the flop fell 5?4?A?.

Blom checked, Sulsky bet $2,777, Blom check-raised to $7,850, and Sulsky called. On the 3? turn, Blom led out for $13,850, Sulsky called, and the 10? peeled off on the river. At this point, Blom moved all-in and Sulsky called off for $24,240. Blom revealed 8?6? for a missed straight, while Sulsky rolled over K?K? to take down the $98,718 pot.

While that pot went Sulsky��s way, the rest of the match did not. In another hand, Sulsky ($80,822.50) made it $300 to go from the button and Blom ($38,808.84) exercised his option in the big blind by making it $1,200. Sulsky called and watched as Blom fired out $1,500 on the 9?7?5? flop. Sulsky wasted little time in putting in a raise to $4,777, Blom reraised to $10,650, and Sulsky called. When the 4? hit the turn, Blom bet $16,450, Sulsky moved all-in, and Blom called off for $10,508.85 more.

Sulsky: 10?10?
Blom: 5?5?

Sulsky held an overpair, but it was dominated by the flopped set of Blom. The Q? river changed nothing and Blom raked in the $77,617.69 pot.

Blom Caps Off the Weekend

Blom carried his momentum over to Sunday grinding the day away and once again becoming a day��s biggest winner with $234,000. He managed part of his score by squaring off against ��1-ronnyr3�� at the $50/$100 pot-limit Omaha tables. The two played for about an hour during which Blom won close to $100,000.

In one of their hands, 1-ronnyr3 ($63,681.69) was on the button and raised to $300, which Blom ($28,199) three-bet to $900 from the big blind. But 1-ronnyr3 refused to back down and four-bet to $2,700, Blom five-bet to $4,500, 1-ronnyr3 six-bet to $13,500, and Blom seven-bet all-in for $28,199. With a call from 1-ronnyr3, the cards were turned up.

1-ronnyr3: 8?K?K?9?
Blom: A?A?2?5?

It was the standard kings-into-aces cooler for 1-ronnyr3, who did not improve as the board ran out 3?J?3?Q?9?.

From there, Blom put in an eleven-hour session at the $25/$50 PLO 6-max tables against the likes of ��RivalzZz,�� ��aDrENalin710,�� ��le kork,�� Davin ��mTw-DaviN�� Georgi, and PokerStars Team Pro Ville Wahlbeck, who dropped $150,000 throughout the day.

In one hand from that game, Blom ($25,526) raised to $235 from under the gun and received a call from Davin ��mTw-DaviN�� Georgi ($5,707). ��Volanthn�� ($52,425.19), who was in the cutoff, then three-bet to $1,075. The field folded back to Blom, who repopped it to $2,150. Georgi got out of the way while Volanthn five-bet to $7,190. Blom proceeded to call and then checked the 2?Q?K? flop. Volanthn bet $12,597, Blom moved all-in for $18,336, and Volanthn called the additional $5,739.

Volanthn: A?A?10?9?
Blom: Q?J?10?8?

Volanthn's pocket aces were ahead, but Blom held a straight draw in addition to his pair of queens. The A? turn completed the straight, leaving Volanthn in need of a paired board. Unfortunately for Volanthn, the 8? blanked on the river and Blom took down the $51,362 pot.

Who's Up? Who's Down?

Week��s biggest winners (7/22-7/28): Davin ��mTw-DaviN�� Georgi (+$320,061), le kork (+$249,459), Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom (+$242,042), kabutze (+$236,902), Rebuy Roope (+$104,907)

Week��s biggest losers: Ben "Sauce1234" Sulsky (-$328,007), Ville ��V.Wahlbeck�� Wahlbeck (-$151,182), 1-ronnyr3 (-$100,516), mikki696 (-$98,094), yuri263 (-$91,558)

Year-to-date winners: *Gus Hansen (+$3,941,000), *Daniel ��jungleman12�� Cates (+$1,952,000), *Alexey ��NoPasaran�� Makarov (+$1,875,348), Gavin ��gavz101�� Cochrane (+$1,861,000), *Matt Hawrilenko (+$1,440,000), *bixiu (+$1,406,000), *Phil Ivey (+$1,336,000), Rui "PepperoniF" Cao (+$1,202,000),

Year-to-date losers: *Tom ��durrrr�� Dwan (-$2,474,000), *Eugene ��fishosaurusREX�� Yanayt (-$1,399,000), *kagome kagome (-$1,377,000), *cadillac1944 (-$1,336,000), *Esvedra (-$1,182,000), *UarePileous (-$837,000), Ilari ��Ilari FIN�� Sahamies (-$814,522)

Biggest weekly winners/losers all on PokerStars

*Reflects Full Tilt Poker profit/loss

*data obtained from

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