The Small Town Poker Tour announces it will air a European version in 2005

Less than two weeks after announcing a televised "Small Town Poker Tour" of the United States, creators AMT Media LLC say they are launching a European version of the show. "The amazing interest in the upcoming US Tour has lead us to push up the date for the European Small Town Tour," said Mark Fracalossi, CEO of AMT Media LLC. "The format will be the same as the US Tour; raise money for charity along the way and crown one champion."
A desire to take poker back to its roots drove the creators to hit the road in search of the best amateur players in small-town America. The tour begins in the Northeast, with stops in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. The producers plan to host Texas Hold'Em poker tournaments for local charities in all 50 states.
Work on the European version has already begun. "We have been visiting possible sites the last few weeks," said Fracalossi. "The public may visit the web site and find out how to nominate their town." He added that the show is looking for unique small towns and local charities to play for and he encouraged share their ideas for the program.
The "European Small Town Tour," is scheduled to air in 2005.