Costa Rica Classic is second PTI event

The Costa Rica Classic kicks off on December 1.
This is is the second tournament of the PTI bimonthly series and is a joint promotion of PartyPoker, and Poker Tour Internationa, following the successful Royal Oasis Grand Bahama Poker Tournament held in August.
Local satellite tournaments will run throughout the month of November at the Aurola Holiday Inn San Jose. will also run satellite tournaments for buy-ins and accommodations for as low as $6+ 1 a play beginning November 12.
Lee Watkinson has joined PTI to promote and participate in the bimonthly series. This year alone, Watkinson has played five final tables with winnings totaling $1,453,573 in No Limit WPT Legends of Poker Texas Hold'em Championships, Mirage Poker Showdown, 35th Annual Omaha World Series of Poker, No Limit Texas Hold'em Championship World Series of Poker, and the Grand American Poker Classic No Limit Texas Hold'em.
Prices for the Costa Rica Classic start at $2,599 and include Texas Hold'em buy-in, airfare from Fort Lauderdale, accommodations at Holiday Inn Aurola in San Jose, opening/closing receptions, and refreshments. One re-buy will be available for $400. Winnings include seats in upcoming tournaments and $500,000 based on entries. Events will include pro players and will be televised.
Upcoming tournaments in the Poker Tour International are scheduled for Puerto Rico and St. Kitts.