2024 World Series of Poker

Event #22: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw (6-Handed)
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Level: 31

Blinds: 60,000-120,000
Limits: 120,000-240,000

Sean Yu Eliminated in 5th Place ($30,800)

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Sean Yu
Sean Yu

Sean Yu raised from under the gun and in the big blind, Alexander Wilkinson raised which Yu called.

Both players drew one on the first draw and Wilkinson bet while Yu called.

Once more the two players drew one and Wilkinson bet to put Yu all in which Yu called.

Wilkinson stood pat and Yu drew one on the last draw.

Sean Yu: Q?8?7?5?3? All in
Alexander Wilkinson: J?8?5?3?2?

Wilkinson's jack eight had held against Yu's draw as Yu made a queen and he was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson
Sean Yu us
Sean Yu

Tags: Alexander WilkinsonSean Yu

Cummings Back on Top

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Aaron Cummings opened the hijack and received calls from Alexander Wilkinson in the small blind and Sean Yu in the big blind.

Wilkinson drew two, Yu drew three, and Cummings drew one. The action checked around.

On the second draw, Wilkinson took one, Yu took three, and Cummings took two. Wilkinson led, Yu raised, Cummings called, and Wilkinson called.

On the final draw, Wilkinson and Cummings stood pat while Yu drew one. The action checked to Cummings who bet, and both players folded.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson
Sean Yu us
Sean Yu

Tags: Aaron CummingsAlexander WilkinsonSean Yu

Wilkinson Takes Over The Lead

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Alexander Wilkinson called in the small blind and Sean Yu raised in the big blind which saw Wilkinson call.

Wilkinson drew three while Yu drew two and Wilkinson check-called a bet from Yu.

The second drawing round saw Wilkinson draw two and Yu drew one with Wilkinson checking a second time. Yu bet and Wilkinson raised which saw Yu call.

Wilkinson stood pat and Yu drew one with both players checking the river.

Wilkinson turned over 9?8?5?3?2? for a nine-eight and it was good.

The following hand saw Wilkinson raise from the button and Aaron Cummings three-bet from the big blind which Wilkinson called.

Cummings drew one while Wilkinson drew two and Cummings bet which Wilkinson quickly called.

Both drew one on both following draws with action checking down.

Wilkinson turned over J?9?8?5?2? for a jack-nine which was good for the pot and for the chip lead to shift to Wilkinson.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Sean Yu us
Sean Yu

Tags: Aaron CummingsAlexander WilkinsonSean Yu

Alcorn Doubles Through Cummings

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Aaron Cummings raised from the cutoff and Heather Alcorn three-bet from the small blind. Cummings made it four bets and Alcorn called all-in for 310,000.

Both players drew one on all three draws.

Heather Alcorn: 9x8x7x4xXx
Aaron Cummings: 7x5x3x2xXx

Alcorn was behind but both players were drawing one. Cummings caught a 2x to pair while Alcorn caught a Jx to find the full double.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Heather Alcorn us
Heather Alcorn

Tags: Aaron CummingsHeather Alcorn

Cummings Into The Lead

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Aaron Cummings raised in the hijack and Heather Alcorn three-bet on the button and Cummings came along.

Cummings drew two while Alcorn drew one and Cummings checked over to Alcorn who bet, prompting Cummings to raise and Alcorn called.

Cummings stood pat and Alcorn drew one, calling the bet from Cummings.

The drawing action repeated on the final draw and both players checked.

"Nine-eight," said Alcorn, but Cummings turned over 9?7?5?3?2? for nine-seven and he took down the pot.

On the following hand, Alcorn raised the cutoff and Cummings three-bet from the big blind which Cummings called.

Cummings stood pat and Alcorn drew one, which saw Cummings bet and Alcorn called.

The same action repeated on the following betting and drawing round.

On the final draw, Cummings stood pat and Alcorn drew one which saw Cummings check-call a bet from Alcorn.

Alcorn turned over 10?6?5?3?2? for ten-six, but it was no good against Cummings who held 8?7?6?3?2? for an eight-seven.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Cummings us
Aaron Cummings
WSOP 1X Winner
Heather Alcorn us
Heather Alcorn

Tags: Aaron CummingsHeather Alcorn

Eight-Seven Good for Wilkinson

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Alexander Wilkinson opened the button and then called when Sean Yu three-bet from the small blind.

Yu drew one and Wilkinson drew two. Yu bet, Wilkinson raised, and Yu called.

Yu took one and Wilkinson stood pat. Yu check-called another bet from Wilkinson.

On the final draw, Yu drew one again and the action went check-check.

Wilkinson revealed 8x7x6x5x2x to drag the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson
Sean Yu us
Sean Yu

Tags: Alexander WilkinsonSean Yu

Wilkinson Takes From Kanai

Level 30 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante

Alexander Wilkinson raised from the cutoff and in the big blind, Yuichi Kanai called.

Kanai drew two and Wilkinson drew one, prompting Kanai to check-call a bet from Wilkinson.

On the second draw, Kanai drew one while Wilkinson stood pat and Kanai once more check-called.

The final draw saw Kanai stand pat and Wilkinson stood pat behind with the betting action repeating identically from the prior street.

Wilkinson turned over 8?6?5?3?2? for an eight-six and Kanai mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Wilkinson us
Alexander Wilkinson
Yuichi Kanai jp
Yuichi Kanai

Tags: Alexander WilkinsonYuichi Kanai

Level: 30

Blinds: 50,000-100,000
Limits: 100,000-200,000