2023 World Series of Poker

Event #76: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,250,000 / 2,500,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Eolis Wins Without a Showdown

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Wendeen Eolis
Wendeen Eolis

A player in middle positon limped and Wendeen Eolis raised to 1,200 from the hijack. The player in the cutoff three-bet to 3,000 and the player in the small blind called cold. The initial limper folded and Eolis called for a three-way pot.

Everyone checked on the 4?3?5? flop, but Eolis fired 10,000 into the middle after being checked to on the 6? turn. Both of her opponents folded and Eolis added to her stack.

Eolis, who was the first woman to cash the Main Event, is below a starting stack, but still has plenty of chips with 45,000.

Player Chips Progress
Wendeen Eolis us
Wendeen Eolis

Tags: Wendeen Eolis

Keating Wins a Big One

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Alex Keating
Alex Keating

In a pot worth roughly 60,000 chips, there was a board completed that read 10?10?A?K?4?. Alex Keating led out for 17,000 from the big blind and received a call from Cliff Maloney on the button.

Keating showed down Q?10? for flopped trips and took the pot when Maloney mucked his cards.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Keating us
Alex Keating
WSOP 1X Winner
Cliff Maloney us
Cliff Maloney

Tags: Alex Keating

Gold "Running Too Good"

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Jamie Gold
Jamie Gold

The player in the cutoff raised to 800 and was called by the player in the small blind and Jamie Gold in the big blind.

Action checked to the preflop raiser on the Q?J?K? flop and he bet 1,000. The small blind called and Gold then check-raised to 3,300. The cutoff folded, as did the small blind after a bit of thought.

"Save your money, save your money," Gold said as he turned over the 10?9? for a flopped straight. "I'm running too good."

Player Chips Progress
Jamie Gold us
Jamie Gold
WSOP Main Event Champion
Commerce Casino & Hotel
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jamie Gold

Tice Makes Incredible Fold; Left Short

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante
Landon Tice
Landon Tice

The button limped and Michael Wilklow raised to 1,500 in the small blind. Landon Tice called in the big blind, as did the button.

The dealer fanned a flop of 10?10?8? and all three players checked around.

The 2? fell on the turn and Wilklow bet 5,100. Only Tice made the call.

When the 3? landed on the river, Wilklow led out for 11,000 before Tice raised to 37,000, leaving just 5,000 behind. Wilklow moved all in and Tice tank folded while saying, "I guess you just have eights here?"

Tice showed his 2x2x for a full house, and Wilklow let him know he was right as he tabled 8x8x.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Wilklow us
Michael Wilklow
Landon Tice us
Landon Tice

Tags: Landon TiceMichael Wilklow

Third Barrel Takes it Down for Rich

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Angelina Rich
Angelina Rich

Angelina Rich opened 1,000 in the hijack and Alfie Adam defended his big blind.

The dealer fanned a flop of Q?8?6? and Adam check-called a bet of 900.

The 7? fell on the turn and Adam checked to Rich who fired again, this time for 4,000. Adam didn't go anywhere as he tossed in a call.

The dealer dropped the K? on the river and Adam checked for a final time before Rich announced a bet of 9,000. Adam pushed his cards forward as he said, "I almost got there."

Player Chips Progress
Angelina Rich au
Angelina Rich
Alfie Adam gb
Alfie Adam

Tags: Alfie AdamAngelina Rich

Sluzinski Sniffs Out a Bluff

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Jeff Sluzinski
Jeff Sluzinski

Jeff Sluzinski raised to 1,000 from early position and was called by the players in the cutoff and big blind.

Action checked to Sluzinski on the 8?K?2? flop and he continued for 1,500. Only the cutoff called.

Sluzinski's opponent check-called a 3,000 bet on the Q? turn and then led out for 10,500 when the 7? completed the board.

Sluzinski asked for a count before deciding to make the call. His opponent could only show 5?2? for a pair of deuces, which were no good against the K?J? of Sluzinski for top pair and he collected the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Sluzinski us
Jeff Sluzinski
Raise Your Edge

Tags: Jeff Sluzinski

Dunst Bluffs Into Broadway

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst

Anton Suarez bet for 4,000 into a 12,000 pot on a board that read 2?10?8?Q?J?. Tony Dunst was in the next seat over and was his adversary for the hand.

Dunst put out four T-5,000 chips for a raise to 20,000. Without letting much time pass, Suarez put in the call.

Dunst could only muster up a pair of tens with his A?10?, while Suarez was comfortably sitting on rivered Broadway with A?K?. He raked in the pot and is now nearing a six-figure stack.

Player Chips Progress
Anton Suarez se
Anton Suarez
Tony Dunst us
Tony Dunst
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Anton SuarezTony Dunst

One Falls To Aces, Another to Big Slick

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Faraz Jaka
Faraz Jaka

There were two recent eliminations in the Gold section, first as Sam Snead Sweilem was eliminated holding QxJx against the A?A? of Concetta Rinaldi-Sorscher on a board of 6?3?10x5xQ?.

Across the room, Faraz Jaka was seen stacking up chips after his ace-king beat out pocket tens to send Tyler Matzen to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Faraz Jaka us
Faraz Jaka
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching
Concetta Rinaldi-Sorscher us
Concetta Rinaldi-Sorscher
Sam Snead Sweilem us
Sam Snead Sweilem
Tyler Matzen us
Tyler Matzen

Tags: Concetta Rinaldi-SorscherFaraz JakaSam Snead SweilemTyler Matzen

Liu Returns to a Winner

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Xuan Liu
Xuan Liu

Xuan Liu was just getting back to her seat after the dinner break, citing that the parking lot was extremely busy which caused her to miss a couple of hands. Liu sat down and instantly raised it up to 1,200 in early position. Roberto Betbese defended from the big blind and the dealer fanned the flop of 8?4?2?.

Betbese checked to Liu who continued with a bet of 1,500 and Betbese called. The A? landed on the turn and Betbese check-called another bet of 5,000 from Liu. The river was the 10? and Betbese checked for the final time. Liu put together a bet of 10,000 and Betbese thought for over a minute before making the call. Liu tabled A?Q? for top pair and that was enough to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Roberto Betbese es
Roberto Betbese
Xuan Liu ca
Xuan Liu

Tags: Roberto BetbeseXuan Liu

Chang Sends Tice to the Showers

Level 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Landon Tice
Landon Tice

Landon Tice was down to just 7,000 chips and moved all in from early position. The action folded to Timothy Chang in the small blind who made the call and the hands were tabled.

Landon Tice: K?J?
Timothy Chang: 9?9?

It was a coin flip and the flop of 7?7?3? favored Chang with the pair of nines. The Q? on the turn and the 2? on the river also missed Tice who headed to the exit, but not without a troll from Doug Polk first.

Player Chips Progress
Timothy Chang us
Timothy Chang
Landon Tice us
Landon Tice

Tags: Timothy ChangLandon TiceDoug Polk