2023 World Series of Poker

Event #12: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Ivan Galinec Eliminated in 7th Place ($86,300)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Ivan Galinec
Ivan Galinec

Ivan Galinec opened to 240,000 from middle position and directly behind him, Felipe Ramos three-bet to 705,000. Action folded back around to Galinec and he pondered a bit before announcing he was all in for 4,300,000.

Ramos went into the tank and after a couple minutes, he put a small stack of chips into the middle to announce a call.

Ivan Galinec: 4?4?
Felipe Ramos: J?J?

Ramos screamed, "Yes!" when he saw that he was well ahead with his jacks.

The board ran out 2?3?7?9?3? — keeping Ramos out in front with his overpair and eliminating Galinec in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Ivan Galinec hr
Ivan Galinec

Tags: Felipe RamosIvan Galinec

Ramos Makes Big Hero Call

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Felipe Ramos
Felipe Ramos

Nozomu Shimizu opened to 250,000 from early position and Felipe Ramos defended his big blind to see the 8?4?2? flop. Ramos check-called for 125,000 which brought in the 6? turn. Ramos then led out for 350,000 and Shimizu called within two seconds.

On the 10? river, Ramos checked and Shimizu quickly fired out 950,000. Ramos went deep into the tank and rechecked his cards. It looked like he was about to fold to Ramos flicked in the one chip call and Shimizu began laughing.

Shimizu tabled his K?Q? for a king-high bluff while Ramos called with the K?8? which was good for just a pair of eights.

The Brazilian immediately left his feet in celebration for hero-calling correctly and the table complimented Ramos for his gutsy play.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Nozomu Shimizu jp
Nozomu Shimizu

Tags: Felipe RamosNozomu Shimizu

Shiva Dudani Eliminated in 8th Place ($66,226)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Shiva Dudani
Shiva Dudani

Jeremy Eyer opened to 250,000 from the button and called when Shiva Dudani moved all in for 460,000 from the small blind.

Shiva Dudani: K?2?
Jeremy Eyer: Q?9?

Dudani had the better hand preflop but was drawing to three outs after Eyer paired up on the 9?5?3? flop. There was no help for the at-risk player on the 10? turn and J? river, and Dudani exited in eighth-place.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Eyer us
Jeremy Eyer
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani

Tags: Jeremey EyerShiva Dudani

James Vecchio Eliminated in 9th Place ($51,769)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
James Vecchio
James Vecchio

Jeremy Eyer opened to 200,00 from under-the-gun and was called by James Vecchio in middle position. Everyone else folded for a heads-up pot.

Eyer checked to Vecchio on the 6?6?7? flop and he bet 235,000. Eyer then check-raised to 600,000 and Vecchio called.

Both players checked on the 7? turn; however, Eyer shoved, having Vecchio covered, when the A? completed the board.

Vecchio went into the tank, agonizing over his decision for some time before placing calling chips into the middle.

Eyer tabled A?A? for aces-full and Vecchio could only show 10?10? for two pair and was eliminated in ninth place.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Eyer us
Jeremy Eyer
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
James Vecchio us
James Vecchio

Tags: James VecchioJeremy Eyer

Jesse Lonis Eliminated in 10th Place ($40,769)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Jesse Lonis
Jesse Lonis

Jesse Lonis committed most of his 1,115,000 stack from under the gun, leaving just a few chips behind. James Vecchio called off his 920,000 stack from the button. Felipe Ramos and Jeremy Eyer folded in the blinds, and the cards were tabled.

James Vecchio: 10?10?
Jesse Lonis: 9?9?

Vecchio had the better pair and left Lonis on fumes after his tens held on the J?7?5?4?A? runout.

The following hand, Lonis was forced all in from the big blind. Nozomu Shimizu opened to 205,000 first to act and Felipe Ramos called from the button.

Action checked through to showdown for the final board to read A?9?4?4?2?.

Lonis tabled Q?3? for queen-high, Ramos had pocket sevens, but Shimizu had the winner with his Kx9x, which was good for a pair of nines.

Shimizu collected the pot to move above 4,000,000 in chips while busting Lonis on the unofficial final table bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Nozomu Shimizu jp
Nozomu Shimizu
James Vecchio us
James Vecchio
Jesse Lonis us
Jesse Lonis
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Felipe RamosJames VecchioJeremy EyerJesse LonisNozomu Shimizu

Hong Doubles Through Dudani

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Jinho Hong
Jinho Hong

Jinho Hong opened to 210,000 from the cutoff and action folded to Shiva Dudani in the small blind, who three-bet to 660,000. It was folded back to Hong, who made the call.

Dudani continued for 525,000 on the 10?9?6? flop and Hong pondered a bit before announcing he was all in for 1,340,000 total. Dudani looked a bit pained, but landed on a call after getting a count.

Jinho Hong: A?A?
Shiva Dudani: J?J?

Hong was well ahead with his aces, but the J? turn got a collective gasp from the table as Dudani pulled ahead with a set of jacks on the turn.

Hong wouldn't be denied, however, as a A? drilled the river to give Hong the winning set of aces for a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Galinec hr
Ivan Galinec
Jinho Hong kr
Jinho Hong
WSOP 1X Winner
Jeffrey Halcomb us
Jeffrey Halcomb
Ronald Minnis us
Ronald Minnis
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani

Tags: Jinho HongShiva Dudani

Christina Gollins Eliminated in 11th Place ($40,769)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Christina Gollins
Christina Gollins

Felipe Ramos opened to 225,000 from the small blind before Christina Gollins three-bet to 900,000 from the big blind. Ramos wasted little time in moving all in as the bigger stack and Gollins quickly called off her 3,800,000 stack.

Christina Gollins: AxKx
Felipe Ramos: QxQx

It was a huge cooler between the two stacks in the blinds and Ramos was the still favorite after the Jx10x3x flop and 6x turn. The Jx completed the board and marked the surprising exit for Gollins.

"That was a set-up," she said while collecting her belongings.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Christina Gollins us
Christina Gollins

Tags: Christina GollinsFelipe Ramos

Adekunle Olonoh Eliminated in 12th Place ($32,720)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Adekunle Olonoh
Adekunle Olonoh

Action folded around to the blinds and Shiva Dudani raised enough from the small to put Adekunle Olonoh all in for his last 690,000. Olonoh called and hands were tabled.

Adekunle Olonoh: A?4?
Shiva Dudani: K?5?

Olonoh held a slight lead, but the 9?J?K?2?7? runout paired Dudani's king and Olonoh was knocked out in 13th place.

Player Chips Progress
Shiva Dudani us
Shiva Dudani
Adekunle Olonoh us
Adekunle Olonoh

Tags: Adekunle OlonohAdekunle Olonoh Eliminated

Henrik Brockmann Eliminated in 13th Place ($32,720)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Henrik Brockmann
Henrik Brockmann

Henrik Brockmann opened to 250,000 second to act and was called by Christina Gollins from the cutoff.

Brockmann check-called for 225,000 on the flop 7?6?5? and folded after Gollins bet 450,000 on the 9? turn. Gollins flashed the 8? to show she had the straight.

The next hand, Brockmann opened to 225,000 and four-bet jammed for around 1,200,000 after Jeremy Eyer made it 600,000 from the cutoff. Eyer called.

Henrik Brockmann: 10?10?
Jeremy Eyer: J?J?

Eyer's better pair remained best on the Q?3?2?4?4?6? runout to send Brockmann out.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Eyer us
Jeremy Eyer
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Christina Gollins us
Christina Gollins
Henrik Brockmann de
Henrik Brockmann

Yuval Bronshtein Eliminated in 14th Place ($26,667)

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Yuval Bronshtein
Yuval Bronshtein

Ronald Minnis called from middle position and Jinho Hong limped along from the hijack. Yuval Bronshtein made it 265,000 to go, leaving himself a single 5,000-denomination chip behind. Both Minnis and Hong called.

Everyone checked on the 10?6?A? flop and Minnis bet 500,000 on the 9? turn. Hong folded, but Bronshtein called to put himself at risk.

Yuval Bronshtein: Q?J?
Ronal Minnis: 10?9?

Bronshtein was drawing to broadway against Minnis' two pair, but the Q? river left Minnis best and Bronshtein was eliminated in 14th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ronald Minnis us
Ronald Minnis
Jinho Hong kr
Jinho Hong
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuval Bronshtein il
Yuval Bronshtein
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Jinho HongRonald MinnisYuval Bronshtein