2022 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Kim Gets Nut Flush Value

Level 14 : Blinds 3,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Bryan Kim
Bryan Kim

Action was picked up on a club heavy board of {10-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{9-Spades}. It was a blind-on-blind battle as Hieu Le and Roy Kim both checked.

The river was the {5-Clubs} to further wet the board. From the big blind, Kim plopped in a bet of 45,000 into a pot of about 50,000. Le considered it for a bit before he called.

Kim tabled the {a-Clubs}{5-Hearts} and Le mucked as Kim is now well over a million.

Player Chips Progress
Roy Kim us
Roy Kim
Hieu Le us
Hieu Le

Tags: Hieu LeRoy Kim

Aces Bring Joy, Sorrow, Then Joy Again to Sabat

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Eddy Sabat
Eddy Sabat

There was a big preflop all in going on as two very similar stacks were battling preflop:

Daniel Youngblood: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Eddy Sabat: {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds}

Sabat was in good position to bust his slightly covered opponent. But the flop came {8-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} to suddenly make things look dire. The turn flipped the scales again as the {a-Clubs} crushed the hopes of Youngblood. The river came the {3-Spades} and Youngblood's elimination was confirmed when the dealer counted down the stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Eddy Sabat us
Eddy Sabat
Daniel Youngblood us
Daniel Youngblood

Tags: Daniel YoungbloodEddy Sabat

Moneymaker Gets Dicey With Deuces

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Chris Moneymaker
Chris Moneymaker

Chris Moneymaker was enjoying a table massage and opened the action with a raise, then called a three-bet to 27,000 by Javier Gomez on the button. On a flop of {j-Spades}{9-Hearts}{6-Spades}, Moneymaker check-raised from 22,000 to 58,000 and Gomez stuck around rather quickly.

The {3-Spades} followed on the turn and Moneymaker bet 80,000 for Gomez to call with around 170,000 behind. Both then checked the {9-Spades} on the river when a fourth spade appeared. Moneymaker rolled over the {2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for a pair of deuces, which Gomez had beat holding the {q-Diamonds}{q-Spades}.

"I was going to fire again if no spade came," the 2003 WSOP Main Event champion mentioned in the table chat.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Moneymaker us
Chris Moneymaker
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Javier Gomez es
Javier Gomez

Tags: Chris MoneymakerJavier Gomez

Aces Can't Save Nakamura Against the Cowboys of Moon

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Tamon Nakamura
Tamon Nakamura

Benjamin Moon opened to 9,000 from early position before Tamon Nakamura made it 27,000 in the big blind. Moon paused for a moment before calling.

Nakamura, with around 80,000 behind, continued for 15,000 on the {10-Spades}{2-Spades}{10-} flop. Moon jammed as the big stack and Nakamura called for his tournament life.

Tamon Nakamura: {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}
Benjamin Moon: {k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}

Nakamura looked certain for a double up as his aces remained in front on the {7-Spades} turn. However, the {k-Spades} hit the river to give Moon a full house. As the card hit the table, the players fell silent. Nakamura did a big exhale before collecting his things and leaving the tournament floor.

Player Chips Progress
Benjamin Moon us
Benjamin Moon
WSOP 1X Winner
Tamon Nakamura jp
Tamon Nakamura

Nguyen's Outflopped Aces Send Him Home

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Scotty Nguyen
Scotty Nguyen

Scotty Nguyen has busted the main event. Details of his final hand were relayed by the table.

Nguyen opened to 9,000 from early position. Ken Le in the big blind tossed in the call.

The flop came out {2-}{6-}{q-} with a flush draw on board. Le checked to Nguyen who continued with a bet. Le went for the check-raise the flop. Nguyen and Le traded raises on the flop until all the chips were in the middle.

Scotty Nguyen: {a-}{a-}
Ken Le: {6-}{2-}

The turn and river didn't improve Nguyen who was left with no chips to be found and headed to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Ken Le us
Ken Le
Scotty Nguyen us
Scotty Nguyen
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Ken LeScotty Nguyen

Vrabel Avoids the Showers

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Luke Vrabel
Luke Vrabel

Forrest Kollar opened to 8,000 from middle position before Luke Vrabel jammed for 138,000 from the big blind. Kollar quickly called.

Luke Vrabel : {j-Diamonds}{j-Spades}
Forrest Kollar: {9-Hearts}{9-Clubs}

The {a-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{7-Spades} flop was a safe one for the pocket jacks but the {6-Hearts} turn gave Kollar an open-ended straight draw. The {a-Spades} river paired the board and Vrabel picked up another Day 3 double.

Player Chips Progress
Forrest Kollar us
Forrest Kollar
Luke Vrabel us
Luke Vrabel

Gerhart Busts in Huge Pot

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Kevin Gerhart
Kevin Gerhart

Action was caught on the {8-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} flop with around 105,000 in the pot.

Michael Rocco bet 70,000 from the big blind and was called by Kevin Gerhart on the button. Rocco sized up to 160,000 on the {3-Spades} turn and again was called.

The aggressor then put Gerhart to the test by moving all in as the covering stack on the {4-Hearts} river. Gerhart, with around 270,000 behind, counted out his chips and continued to think over the hand before making his decision.

In the end, Gerhart called and was shown the bad news as Rocco tabled his {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs} while Gerhart had pocket tens. He passed his stack to his opponent and wished the table luck on his departure.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Rocco us
Michael Rocco
WSOP 1X Winner
Kevin Gerhart us
Kevin Gerhart
WSOP 4X Winner

Party Like its 2021; Kniep and Onikoul Share 2021 Main Event Memories

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Andreas Kniep
Andreas Kniep

Andreas Kniep and Arkadi Onikoul were spotted at the same table after Kniep had just chopped up a big pot with an opponent both making two pair with ace-king.

Those who are fans of the WSOP Main Event will recall that both players made a very deep run in the 2021 Main Event. But these two share more than that as were involved in one of the defining hands of Day 7 when Onikoul spiked a king to crack Kniep's aces which gave Onikoul a huge stack and cut Kniep down short. Had Kniep's aces held he would have been the overwhelming chip leader at that point in the tournament and likely would have ridden it to at least the final table. As it turned out, Kniep ended up finishing in 18th place while Onikoul used that huge hand to finish in 12th before himself succumbing in a huge hand vs eventual champion Koray Aldemir.

Player Chips Progress
Andreas Kniep de
Andreas Kniep
Arkadi Onikoul us
Arkadi Onikoul

Tags: Andreas KniepArkadi Onikoul

Kenney Loses A Pot And Top Spot

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Bryn Kenney
Bryn Kenney

A player opened to 9,000 from under the gun and was called by a player in middle position as well as Bryn Kenney in the cutoff.

The flop came {6-Spades}{2-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and the under the gun player continued for 13,000, prompting folds from both of his opponents. Kenney tossed {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} face up into the muck, saying "not the best of flops". Incidentally, Justin Bonomo has just finished in 3rd place in an Aria $10,000 high roller for $88,000, meaning that, for the time being, he has reclaimed the top spot on the all time money list from Kenney.

Player Chips Progress
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Bryn KenneyJustin Bonomo

Imsirovic KO's Shah With Two Pair

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Ali Imsirovich
Ali Imsirovich

There was a pot of about 125,000 in the middle with the board reading {a-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{q-Clubs}{4-Spades}{5-Clubs}. From middle position, Ali Imsirovic moved all in to force Ankim Shah to make a decision for his tournament life.

Shah sat back silently and considered it. He landed on the decision to call as he leaned forward and put his chips in the middle. Imsirovic tabled the {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} for two pair. Shah got up and showed his beaten {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs} as Imsirovic took the large boost to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Ankim Shah us
Ankim Shah

Tags: Ali Imsirovic