2022 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000,000 / 16,000,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Sridhar Sangannagari Eliminated in 11th ($54,705)

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Henry Acain raised from the hijack to 6,500,000. Sridhar Sangannagari moved all in for his final 19,000,000 from the button and was snap called by Acain.

Sridhar Sangannagari: {a-Spades}{8-Hearts}
Henry Acain: {k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}

Sangannagari was in bad shape as the flop came {8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds} but the {k-Spades} left him drawing dead. The {4-Hearts} turn made no difference.

Player Chips Progress
Henry Acain us
Henry Acain
Sridhar Sangannagari us
Sridhar Sangannagari

Tags: Henry AcainSridhar Sangannagari

Ken Han Eliminated in 12th Place ($43,515)

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Ken Han
Ken Han

Action folded around to Ken Han in the small blind who shoved his remaining stack of roughly 12,000,000. Next to act was Erik Carvalho who made the call just barely covering the all in.

Ken Han: {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}
Erik Carvalho: {a-Spades}{6-Spades}

The board ran out {a-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{4-Spades}{j-Clubs} and Carvalho made two pair to eliminate Han in 12th place.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Carvalho us
Erik Carvalho
Ken Han us
Ken Han

Tags: Erik CarvalhoKen Han

Kingery Doubles Through Sangannagari

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Jared Kingery
Jared Kingery

Jared Kingery open-shoved a stack of around 38,000,000 from the middle and Sridhar Sangannagari quickly called out of the big blind with his opponent covered.

Jared Kingery: {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Sridhar Sangannagari: {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}

Kingery was flipping for his tournament life and the flop came {a-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{a-Diamonds} to propel him into the lead with trip aces. The {6-Diamonds} on the turn kept things interesting as Sangannagari had a flush draw, but the innocent {j-Spades} on the river secured the double-up for Kingery.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Kingery us
Jared Kingery
WSOP 1X Winner
Sridhar Sangannagari us
Sridhar Sangannagari

Mokedi Gets Paid with Straight

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Orez Mokedi
Orez Mokedi

Orez Mokedi raised on the button to 7,500,000 and was called by Yavine Brewer in the big blind.

Action checked through on the {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{5-Hearts} flop.

Brewer led out for 5,000,000 on the {10-Clubs} turn and was called by Mokedi.

The river was the {j-Diamonds} where Brewer slowed down by checking to Mokedi. Mokedi moved a stack on 1,000,000 chips into the middle for a bet of 20,000,000. Brewer made the call and mucked his hand when Mokedi turned over {a-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} for the straight.

Player Chips Progress
Orez Mokedi us
Orez Mokedi
Yavine Brewer us
Yavine Brewer

Tags: Orez MokediYavine Brewer

Acain Chips Up Early

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Henry Acain
Henry Acain

Action started with Henry Acain opening the action from the cutoff to 6,500,000. Christian Taylor made the call on the button as did Isidro Martinez in the big blind.

The flop came {j-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades} with Martinez checking first. Acain continued for 7,500,000. Taylor got out of the way and Martinez made the call.

On the {4-Diamonds} turn Martinez checked again and Acain came with a sizing of 11,500,000 which was called by Martinez.

The {7-Spades} completed the board and for a third time Martinez checked to the aggressor. Acain put the pressure on by betting 32,500,000. Martinez did not take long before mucking his hand and awarding Acain the sizable pot in the early stages of Day 3.

Player Chips Progress
Christian Taylor us
Christian Taylor
Day 2 Chip Leader
Henry Acain us
Henry Acain
Isidro Martinez us
Isidro Martinez

Tags: Christian TaylorHenry AcainIsidro Martinez

Carvalho Doubles Through White

Level 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Erik Carvalho moved all in for 5,850,000 from the cutoff and was called by Darnell White in the big blind.

Erik Carvalho: {a-Clubs}{6-Clubs}
Darnell White: {a-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}

The board ran out {q-Spades}{j-Spades}{6-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} which resulted in Carvalho doubling up after coming into the day as the short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Darnell White us
Darnell White
Erik Carvalho us
Erik Carvalho

Tags: Darnell WhiteErik Carvalho

Level: 40

Blinds: 1,500,000/3,000,000

Ante: 3,000,000

Twelve Return to Battle for $701,215 Grand Prize on Day 3

Christian Taylor
Christian Taylor

Christian Taylor returns in pole position of the twelve remaining players as he bagged 221,300,000 at the end of 17 levels of play on Day 2. Taylor has already secured his biggest career cash as players entering Day 3 having already locked up $43,515, but his sights are firmly set on the top prize of $701,215.

Taylor is joined by bracelet winner Jordan Hufty, (42,925,000) who won the 2018 Casino Employees Event. Other players remaining include Jared Kingery, (30,825,000) who prior to this event had only recorded $4,000 in live tournament earnings, as well as Orez Mokedi (125,450,000) and Jen-Yue Chiang, (74,775,000) who have recorded $760,000 and $610,000 in live tournament earnings respectively.

The huge field of 20,080 entries generated a prize pool which smashed the $5,000,000 guarantee. The final twelve battle for the bracelet and the lion's share of the $8,435,280 prize pool.

Keep up with all the action here on PokerNews as we crown a champion in this event and our continuing coverage of the 2022 WSOP in it's new home at Bally's and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Christian TaylorJared KingeryJen-Yue ChiangJordan HuftyOrez MokediParis Las Vegas

Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em

Day 3 Started