2013 World Series of Poker

Event #59: $2,500 Limit 2-7 Triple Draw Lowball
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Seiver Short

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Scott Seiver raised from the cutoff seat, Eric Wasserson three-bet from the button, and after the blinds got out, Seiver called.

Seiver took two cards and Wasserson one, then Seiver check-called Wasserson's bet. Both took a single card on each of the next two rounds. They checked after the second draw, then Seiver led with a bet after the third draw. Wasserson then put out a raise, and Seiver instantly mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: Scott SeiverEric Wasserson

Condon Back Over 100k

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Alexander Condon raised it up from the small blind, and Brian Brubaker defended his big blind. Condon drew one, while Brubaker drew two, and Condon bet out. Brubaker called, then drew one, while Condon did the same. The same betting action occurred, and this time, Condon stood pat. Brubaker drew one, and both players checked. Condon showed {8-}{7-}{6-}{5-}{2-}, and Brubaker mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Brubaker us
Brian Brubaker
WSOP 1X Winner
Alexander Condon us
Alexander Condon

Tags: Brian BrubakerAlexander Condon

Baker Clips Seiver

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Scott Seiver raised it up from under the gun, and David "ODB" Baker three bet it from the button. Seiver called, and both players drew two. Seiver check called a bet from Baker, then he drew two, while Baker drew one. The same betting action occurred, and Seiver drew one, while Baker stood pat.

Seiver checked, and after about 20 seconds of tanking, Baker checked as well, showing {8-}{7-}{5-}{4-}{2-}. Seiver mucked, and he dropped down to 130,000.

Player Chips Progress
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
WSOP 3X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: David "ODB" BakerScott Seiver

Condon Survives

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Near the end of the last level, Alexander Condon lost another pot to slip down under 40,000, then after the blinds passed him one time he was down to just 24,000.

The big blind reached him again, and David Chiu — sitting to Condon's right — joked with him as he put out his blind.

"Want to play smaller?" asked Chiu. "I'd like that," said Condon with a grin. "Can we play 500/1,000 for a while?"

Alas for Condon, he had to put in the full 6,000 for the big blind. It folded to Eli Elezra on the button who raised, Chiu called, and Condon called as well. Chiu took two, Condon one, and Elezra one. Chiu then checked, Condon bet, and both of his opponents called.

On the second draw Chiu was taking two again and Elezra one, but Condon stood pat. Chiu checked, Condon bet his last 6,000, and both Elezra and Chiu stuck around.

Chiu took two and Elezra one again on the last draw, while Condon continued to stick with his five cards. Chiu and Elezra both checked, and Elezra showed he picked up a {Q-} on the end. Chiu had {10-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{2-}, and Condon had {8-}{7-}{6-}{4-}{2-} to survive.

Player Chips Progress
David Chiu us
David Chiu
WSOP 5X Winner
Eli Elezra il
Eli Elezra
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Alexander Condon us
Alexander Condon

Tags: Alexander CondonDavid ChiuEli Elezra

Level: 20

Limits: 8,000/16,000


Condon in Danger Zone

Level 19 : 6,000/12,000, 0 ante

Alexander Condon raised it up on the button, and Eli Elezra defended his big blind. Elezra drew two, while Condon drew three, and Elezra check called a bet from Condon. Elezra once again drew two, while Condon drew one. Elezra checked to Condon, who bet, then Elezra check raised. Condon called, then Elezra stood pat, while Condon drew one. Elezra bet in the dark, and Condon called.

Elezra announced "eighty-seven", and Condon said "me too," before revealing {8-}{7-}{6-}{5-}{2-}. He was barely beat by Elezra though, who fanned out {8-}{7-}{6-}{3-}{2-}.

Player Chips Progress
Eli Elezra il
Eli Elezra
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Alexander Condon us
Alexander Condon

Tags: Alexander CondonEli Elezra

Mike Watson Eliminated in 10th Place ($12,683)

Level 19 : 6,000/12,000, 0 ante
Mike Watson - 10th Place
Mike Watson - 10th Place

After doubling up through Eli Elezra not long ago, Mike Watson lost a couple of hands in quick succession, including one to Brian Brubaker, to find himself back down to less than 30,000.

Then a hand arose in which Brubaker raised from under the gun and it folded back around to Mike Watson in the big blind who called. Watston drew three and Brubaker two, then Watson check-called Brubaker's bet, leaving himself but a few orange (1,000 chips) behind. Watson then took two and Brubaker one, and again Watson check-called, this time putting himself all in.

On the third draw both players took one. Brubaker picked up a {K-} to go with his {8-}{6-}{4-}{2-}. But Watson had {5-}{4-}{3-}{2-} and drew another {5-} to be eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Brubaker us
Brian Brubaker
WSOP 1X Winner
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Brian BrubakerMike Watson

Wasserson Doubles Through Seiver

Level 19 : 6,000/12,000, 0 ante

Scott Seiver raised it up from the small blind, and Eric Wasserson three bet from the big. Seiver called, then drew one, while Wasserson drew two. Seiver bet in the dark, and Wasserson called. Seiver stood pat, while Wasserson drew two, and again, Seiver bet in the dark. This time, Wasserson raised, leaving just 8,000 behind. Seiver put Wasserson all in, and he called it off.

Both players stood pat, and Wasserson showed {7-}{6-}{5-}{3-}{2-}. It was good enough to beat the {9-}{6-}{5-}{3-}{2-} of Seiver, and Wasserson got the full double up to 131,000, while Seiver is down to 215,000.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson

Tags: Eric WassersonScott Seiver

Seiver Rolls Over Baker

Level 19 : 6,000/12,000, 0 ante

We caught up with the action in a three way pot between Michael Mizrachi, Scott Seiver, and David "ODB" Baker after the second draw. It was checked to Baker, who fired out, and both players called. Baker stood pat, while Mizrachi and Seiver both drew one. Mizrachi checked, and Seiver fired out. Baker raised it up, Mizrachi folded, then Seiver put out a three bet. Baker immediately cringed at the sight of the bet, but quickly tossed the call in in, and Seiver announced "wheel", {7-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{2-}.

Baker mucked, dropping him to 330,000, while Seiver is now up to 310,000.

Player Chips Progress
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
WSOP 3X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: David "ODB" BakerMichael MizrachiScott Seiver