David Greene Eliminated in 8th Place ($25,483)
Level 21
: 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Hand #65: Eric Shanks reraised the pot after Shawn Silber opened for a raise. Silber reraised all in, and Shanks called.
The board came , and Silber never had a real hope of catching up to Shanks' kings, so he was forced to double his opponent up.
Hand #66: Eddie Blumenthal raised to 40,000, finding no callers.
Hand #67: Noah Schwartz raised to 40,000, and David Greene reraised to 170,000. Josh Pollock repotted from the small blind, and Schwartz folded. Greene called off his remaining chips.
Pollock improved to a full house on the board, eliminating Greene.