2012 World Series of Poker

Event 45: $50,000 Poker Players Championship
Day: 5
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

Mizrachi and Schwartz at it Again


Luke Schwartz raised from the hijack, and Michael Mizrachi defended his small blind to kick things off.

The flop came down {8-Spades}{J-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and both players checked. On the turn the {2-Clubs} hit and Mizrachi bet, Schwartz folded.

"These are my two bad ones," Mizrachi said as he flipped his {J-Spades}{8-Hearts}.

"Who calls a raise in the small blind with jack-eight?" Schwartz questioned Mizrachi's play.

Mizrachi keeps winning pots and making full houses, while Schwartz seems to get more annoyed with each pot he loses.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Mizrachi us
Michael Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
Luke Schwartz gb
Luke Schwartz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Luke SchwartzMichael Mizrachi

Klodnicki Scoops Chidwick

Chris Klodnicki
Chris Klodnicki


Chris Klodnicki raised from under the gun and action folded to Stephen Chidwick in the small blind. He made it three bets and Klodnicki called.

After the {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} flop, Chidwick bet and Klodnicki called. The turn was the {5-Hearts} and Chidwick slowed down with a check. Klodnicki bet and Chidwick called.

The river was the {9-Diamonds} and Chidwick checked. Klodnicki bet and Chidwick called.

Klodnicki showed the {A-Hearts}{7-Spades}{6-Spades}{4-Hearts} for a straight to the eight and a seven low to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Klodnicki us
Chris Klodnicki
WSOP 2X Winner
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chris KlodnickiStephen Chidwick

Mizrachi Quarters Chidwick

Stephen Chidwick
Stephen Chidwick


Stephen Chidwick raised from under the gun, only to have Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi reraise from the next seat. Action folded back to Chidwick and he made the call.

The flop produced the {Q-Spades}{6-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Chidwick checked. Mizrachi bet and Chidwick raised. Mizrachi called.

After the {8-Clubs} was added on the turn, Chidwick bet, Mizrachi raised, Chidwick reraised and Mizrachi raised again and Chidwick called.

The {7-Spades} completed the board on the river and Chidwick check-called a bet from Mizrachi.

Mizrachi showed the {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} for the nut low and a set of queens for high. Chidwick showed the {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{2-Spades} for the nut low and got quartered.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Mizrachi us
Michael Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Stephen ChidwickMichael Mizrachi

Bloch Over 4MM

Andy Bloch
Andy Bloch


From under the gun, Andy Bloch raised. Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi called from the cutoff seat and the two took a {K-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Spades} flop. Bloch bet, Mizrachi raised and Bloch called.

The turn was the {3-Clubs} and Bloch check-called a bet from Mizrachi before seeing the {K-Clubs} pair the board with cowboys on the river. Bloch check-called another bet from Mizrachi.

Mizrachi showed the {5-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Hearts} and Bloch the {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{2-Hearts}. Bloch's two pair of kings and sixes was the winning hand and he won the pot to move over four million in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Mizrachi us
Michael Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
Andy Bloch us
Andy Bloch
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andy BlochMichael Mizrachi

Bloch Takes Some From Chidwick


Andy Bloch{x-}{x-} / {2-Spades}{2-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{10-Hearts} / {x-}
Stephen Chidwick{x-}{x-} / {7-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{10-Spades} / {x-}

Andy Bloch had the bring-in, and Stephen Chidwick completed. The action was heads up on fourth street, Bloch paired up and put out a double bet. Chidwick called, and Bloch bet again on fifth street. Chidwick put in another call, but when Bloch fired out again on third street he opted to fold.

Player Chips Progress
Andy Bloch us
Andy Bloch
WSOP 1X Winner
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andy BlochStephen Chidwick

The Mizrachi Train Keeps Running


Michael Mizrachi has not lost a pot since the start of the day. Luke Schwartz and Stephen Chidwick were his next two victims as he took down a big Stud pot off them. Mizrachi has already added over two million chips to his stack, and we've only been playing for about 30 minutes.

Michael Mizrachi{x-}{x-} / {3-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} / {x-}
Luke Schwartz{x-}{x-} / {J-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{8-Spades} / {x-}
Stephen Chidwick{x-}{x-} / {6-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{10-Spades} / {x-}

Mizrachi had the bring-in on third street and Schwartz completed. Chidwick made the call, as did Mizrachi and three players went on to see fourth street. Schwartz had the high hand on fourth and bet, both Mizrachi and Chidwick called.

On fifth street, Schwartz bet again, Chidwick called and Mizrachi decided to raise. The two Brits didn't want to give their hands up and called. Sixth street still gave Schwartz the betting lead, but he checked as did Chidwick. Mizrachi bet and only Schwartz called.

On seventh street, Schwartz checked again and Mizrachi put in another 100,000 chip bet. This is when things got interesting.

"Ace-five of spades underneath one time? I can't find a hand that I beat," Schwartz started things off.

"How does he raise with jack-four-three on fifth street. It's a joke that he makes every final table," Schwartz went on to complain about Mizrachi's luck.

"I promise, it will only hurt for a second," Mizrachi said before Schwartz finally ended up making the call.

Mizrachi turned over {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}{10-Hearts} for trip fours, and he raked in another big pot. Schwartz angrily threw his chips over to Mizrachi and flicked his cards high up in the air. Schwartz dropped down to under a million while Mizrachi is close to having six.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Mizrachi us
Michael Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
WSOP 1X Winner
Luke Schwartz gb
Luke Schwartz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Luke SchwartzMichael MizrachiStephen Chidwick

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Tags: RunGoodGearRunGoodGear.com

Bill Chen Eliminated in 7th Place ($205,856); Bruno Fitoussi Eliminated in 8th ($169,879)

Bruno Fitoussi - 8th Place
Bruno Fitoussi - 8th Place

Wow! We told you this final table would be exciting, but no one expected an fireworks display quite like this so early on.

No-Limit Hold'em

From under the gun, short-stacked Bruno Fitoussi raised all in for 170,000. Action folded over to Bill Chen in the hijack seat and he made the call before play slid to Michael "The Grinder" Mirzachi in the big blind. He reraised and made it 400,000 to go. Chen quickly moved all in for a little over 1.2 million and Mizrachi snapped.

Mizrachi tabled the {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs} to have a stranglehold on the hand against the at-risk Fitoussi and Chen, who held the {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and the {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}, respectively.

The flop came down {K-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and Mizrachi's aces kept the lead. The turn was the {8-Hearts} and gave Fitoussi back a little bit of hope, but he would need another eight to fall on the river. Chen was looking for another king, but both were drawing thin.

The river completed the board with the {4-Hearts} and Mizrachi threw his hands above his hand in triumph as he won the pot to eliminate both players. Mizrachi now has a big lead with over five million in chips.

Due to Chen having more chips at the start of the hand, he finished in seventh place for $205,856. Fitoussi took home $169,879.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Mizrachi us
Michael Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
Bruno Fitoussi fr
Bruno Fitoussi
Bill Chen us
Bill Chen
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Bill ChenBruno FitoussiMichael Mizrachi