Eslami Crippled, Then Gets Lucky to Double

Lazarou: (x)(x) FOLDED
Spinks: (x)(x) FOLDED
Eslami: (x)(x) / FOLDED
Buchman: (x)(x) /
Ali Eslami dipped down to 30,000 in the hand above, where he raised after Jonathan Spinks completed. Eric Buchman put in a fourth bet, and Eslami was the only caller. Buchman then bet on fourth and fifth street, and Eslami called on fourth before tanking on fifth. Eslami thought for so long that Buchman called the clock. Eslami released his hand, and was hurting.
Eslami: /
Isaia: /
His fortunes turned on the next hand, where Alessio Isaia completed with a king showing, and Eslami three-bet with the ace of spades showing. Isaia called, then caught another king on fourth. The players got the money, and Eslami was drawing thin as Isaia had caught three kings to his aces. Neither player improved until seventh street, where Eslami slammed the on the table. Isai was unable to improve, and Eslami caught his card to double up.
Eslami is back up to 80,000, and Isaia drops down to 140,000.