2011 World Series of Poker

Event #43: $1,500 No-Limit Hold��em
Day: 4
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Level: 33

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 30,000

All for Seidel?

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Erik Seidel in the stands
Erik Seidel in the stands

"Erik Seidel is railing you now!" stated Ari Engel.

"Epic rail. Epic rail!" stated another rail bird.

Erik Seidel has just wondered into the Thunder-Dome and taken a seat. We're not sure if he is watching the action, trying to get some alone time or here for some peace and quiet, but what we can say is that he won't be getting any peace and quiet as the Brazilian rail has just launched into a thunderous chanting and clapping session.

Seidel sat up from looking down at his iPad and sneaked a wry smile as he watched the Brazilians go crazy from the other side of the stadium.

Tags: Erik Seidel

Double Barrel Victory for Berlin

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

In a limped pot, Nachman Berlin led for 225,000 on the {7-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} flop before Akkari made the call on the button to see the {J-Diamonds} land on the turn.

Both players checked as the {10-Spades} completed the board and Berlin pushed out 275,000. Akkari deliberated for just shy of a minute before folding his hand.

Tags: Nachman BerlinAndre Akkari

Akkari Outkicks Berlin

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Nachman Berlin limped his button as Andre Akkari checked his option before both players checked the {Q-Spades}{7-Clubs}{9-Clubs} flop.

The {6-Spades} on the turn saw Akkari lead for 250,000 with Berlin making the call as the {3-Hearts} landed on the river. Akkari checked, and Berlin bet out 250,000 which Akkari called while tabling his {9-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} to best Berlin's {9-Spades}{2-Spades}.

Tags: Andre AkkariNachman Berlin

Middle Pair is Good for Nachman

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Andre Akkari limped in from the button and Nachman Berlin checked his option before leading for 250,000 on the {3-Spades}{8-Spades}{9-Hearts} flop.

Akkari made the call as the {J-Clubs} fell on the turn with Berlin tapping the table on this occasion as Akkari followed suit as the {6-Spades} landed on the river.

Berlin tabled his {A-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and scooped the pot from Akkari.

Tags: Nachman BerlinAndre Akkari

Walk. Raise. Raise. Limp. Win

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

From the button, Nachman Berlin kicked his cards to the muck to give Andre Akkari a walk.

The following hand saw Akkari push out 350,000 and Berlin quickly mucked.

Nachman Berlin opened his button to 350,000 and Akkari folded.

Akkari limped the button and Berlin checked to see the {7-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{6-Clubs} flop fall as Akkari pushed out a 250,000-chip bet. Berlin check-folded and Akkari was pushed the pot.

Tags: Nachman BerlinAndre Akkari