Rampone Sends Josephy Packing

The final hand before the feature table broke may very well have been the biggest pot of the tournament. We caught up with the action on a board of . Cliff Josephy checked and Nicholas Rampone fired out a bet of 63,000 into an already large sized pot. Josephy made the call and we saw a turn of
. Josephy checked once more and Rampone announced that he was all in.
It was at this point that Josephy crossed his legs and let out an enormous sigh. Josephy counted all of his chips and then leaned his head back, the only phrase he could utter was "Wow". After around five minutes total of thinking, Josephy said "I call" only to hear Rampone reply "I have a full house". Rampone's gave him fives full of eights and caused Josephy to send his cards into the muck.
According to Josephy's Twitter account, he held during this hand.
This massive pot brings Rampone's chip count up to around 630,000 and adds another WSOP bracelet winner to the list of people that he has busted from this tournament.