John Racener has the button.
He folds, giving Jonathan Duhamel a walk.
John Racener has the button.
He folds, giving Jonathan Duhamel a walk.
Jonathan Duhamel has the button.
Duhamel limps in and John Racener checks. The flop comes down and Racener checks. Duhamel bets 1.7 million and Racener folds.
John Racener has the button.
Racener limps in and quickly finds himself facing an all-in raise from Jonathan Duhamel. Racener wants no part of it. He folds, slipping to 25.35 million.
Jonathan Duhamel has the button.
He calls and John Racener checks. The flop comes down and both players check to see the
fall on the turn. Both check again and the
hits the river. Racener fires 2.5 million and wins the pot.
John Racener has the button.
After his raising misadventure last button, Racener goes back to limping in this time around. Duhamel checks and they see a flop of . Duhamel checks again, then folds to a bet of 1.75 million from Racener.
Jonathan Duhamel has the button.
He limps in from the button and John Racener checks to see a flop of . Both players check and the turn brings the
, pairing the board. Racener check-folds to a bet of 1.7 million from Duhamel and drops to 23.55 million.
John Racener has the button.
What could this mean? Racener opens to 3.75 million, the first time he has raised his button tonight. Jonathan Duhamel decides to play chicken and re-raises all in. It will cost all of Racener's 25.35 million remaining chips to find out if he's in front. Instead he folds.
Jonathan Duhamel has the button.
He raises to 3.25 million. John Racener folds and Duhamel wins the pot. Racener is now down to 29.3 million in chips.
John Racener has the button.
Racener limps in again. After Duhamel checks, the dealer puts out a flop. Duhamel checks to Racener, who bets 2.0 million. Duhamel calls. The board pairs on the turn with the
. It's a card that both players check. The
falls on the river. Again both players check. Duhamel shows
for jacks and treys. It's enough to take the pot.
After losing that pot, Racener is back down to 31.1 million and we're pretty much where we started.
Jonathan Duhamel has the button.
He raises to 3.25 million and wins the pot.