Pairs Cost Evdakov the Pot
Seat 9: /
Nikolay Evdakov: /
James Mackey (X)(X) /
A player in Seat 8 had made the bring with Seat 9, Nikolay Evdakov and James Mackey calling. On fourth street Seat 9 bet with Evdakov and Mackey calling, but the player who brought in folded.
Fifth street brought the most action on the hand with Evdakov betting, Mackey folding and Seat 9 raising. Evdakov called the raise and we were headed to a heads-up sixth street.
Evdakov called one last bet on sixth street before both players checked the river. The player in Seat 9 showed an eight-low while Evdakov showed a jack-low, apparently having caught pairs on both sixth and seventh street.