We picked this hand up on the second draw, with Mark Gregorich standing pat, while Allie Prescott drew two and and Mike Wattel took one. Both players checked to Gregorich, who bet. Wattel called and Prescott folded.
Gregorich was pat again on the third draw while Wattel drew one more card. Wattel checked, Gregorich bet, and Wattel gave up his hand.
Cyndy Violette has taken a ringside seat and is sweating her good friend Mike Wattel. Pamela Brunson has been popping in and out of the Amazon Room to check on her brother Todd's progress, while Mike Matusow and Esther "E-Tay" Taylor are also closely watching the action.
Perhaps our most famous railbird, however is legendary MLB pitcher Orel Hershiser. A friend of Mark Gregorich, Hershiser has been on the rail since play began today and is now chatting with Matusow as the action unfolds.
With the players nine-handed at the moment three players are having to sit out of each hand in the triple draw making it a slightly laborious process right now.
The limits are also very high now, a raise on later streets represents a third of some players' stacks at the moment.
Scott 'dorinvandy' Dorin 1,400,000
Huck Seed 870,000
Ville Wahlbeck 865,000
James Van Alstyne 684,000
David Chiu 622,000
Mike Wattel 394,000
Mark Gregorich 372,000
Todd Brunson 343,000
Allie Prescott 276,000
With everyone now settled in at the feature table, the players have agreed to take an early dinner break after they finish coloring up some of the 1,000 and 5,000-denomination chips for the green 25,000-denomination chips.
There are still twenty minutes remaining in Level 22. We'll see you at 7 p.m.