After many of the pots today have been taken down by preflop aggression, Ryan D'Angelo decided to mix things up with a limp from the cutoff. The action folded to Gabe Costner in the big blind who checked his option.
They took a flop of and Costner checked to D'Angelo who led out with a bet of 80,000. Costner made the call.
The turn brought a fourth club with the and both players checked. The river landed the and Costner checked again to D'Angelo who thought for a few moments before cutting down 200,000 and sliding it into the pot. Costner went into the tank but eventually moved two stacks of orange into the middle to declare a call.
D'Angelo showed down for a flopped flush and Costner cringed and flashed for a rivered two pair. Costner is now down to 320,000 with D'Angelo looking strong with over 1.3 million.