2008 World Series of Poker
Event 45 - $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. World Championship
Day: 5
Event Info

Seat 1: Matt Glantz (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) -- 1,445,000
Seat 2: Huck Seed (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 1,200,000
Seat 3: Patrick Bueno (Paris, France) -- 695,000
Seat 4: Lyle Berman (Minneapolis, Minnesota) -- 1,430,000
Seat 5: Scotty Nguyen (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 3,535,000
Seat 6: Barry Greenstein (Rancho Palos Verdes, California) -- 1,955,000
Seat 7: Michael DeMichele (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 905,000
Seat 8: Erick Lindgren (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 3,680,000
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