Greg Raymer, seated at a table with Tom Schneider, has been discussing how the policy regarding logos and .coms, etc. has changed over the past few years. Incidentally, we believe that their table is the only one currently featuring two people who have their own gigantic banners around the room, Schneider for his 2007 POY title and Raymer for his bracelet win. Fame and fortune doesn't seem to have changed Raymer at least, though - he was overheard asking whether the plastic bracelets that were being handed out were good at the bar...
Also some gossip from the break...
There is a strong British contingent here today, among them young Stuart "The Nutter" Rutter who is steaming ahead on around 15,000. More modestly still on their starting stacks are Rob Sherwood, as well as Irish Open champion Neil Channing. "I've had Aces twice," he grumbles. "Both times everyone folds. Then the one time I make a move, a guy check-raises all in and I couldn't call."