2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - River Rock

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - River Rock

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Main Event

Day 4 Completed

Congratulations to John Crncic, Winner of 2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit River Rock Main Event ($286,382)!

Level 37 : 120,000/240,000, 50,000 ante
John Crncic - Champion (Photo courtesy of Kevin Statham/River Rock Casino Photo)
John Crncic - Champion (Photo courtesy of Kevin Statham/River Rock Casino Photo)

The 2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit River Rock Main Event has officially come to an end. This historic tournament was not only the first WSOP Circuit event held in Canada, but it also ended up holding the distinction as the largest live cash buy-in tournament ever held on Canadian soil. After overcoming a field of 1,032 players and a grueling final table, John Crncic will forever be known as champion of this significant event. Not only will Crncic be revered in Canadian poker history, but he also earned a nice payday of $286,382, a gold WSOP-C ring, and a seat to the WSOP National Championship.

The tournament began with players choosing to play on one of three starting days. As this was a re-entry tournament, those who were eliminated on play from one of the starting days could come back and try their luck again with the option of firing three bullets overall. With that said, many notable faces came out to give this tournament a try. Over the course of the three starting days, players like Jason Koon, Doug Lee, Matt Affleck, David "Doc" Sands, Scott Clements, Gavin Smith, Huy Nguyen, Robert Cheung, Adrienne "talonchick" Rowsome, Adam Levy, Laurence Grondin, and Terrence Chan all took a shot firing either one, two, or three bullets into the tournament. Despite the best efforts of those players and many more, they were ultimately unable to survive a single Day 1 flight with chips.

Day 2 saw the return of 246 players with the fields from the three starting flights combining. The top 108 players in the field made the money, so each player had that immediate goal on their mind. Early exits came for players like Noah Vaillancourt, Matt Jarvis, Mark Bonsack, Alex Sutherland, and two-time WSOP bracelet winner Greg Mueller.

Once the money bubble was burst the players began dropping like flies. Among those to be eliminated in the money were Darren Kennedy (107th), Daniel Idema (103rd), Day 2 chip leader Jingjing Liu (79th), Scott Stanko (69th), Scott Stiglitz (67th), Kelly Kellner (54th), Joel Micka (42nd), and Isaac Baron (37th).

The final 30 players then returned for Day 3 for a relatively short day of poker where they played down to the final table. By the end of the day, Sonny Sekhon, the man who came into Day 3 as the chip leader, was taking the top stack into the final table.

Final Table Chip Counts

1Mal Hagan1,735,000
2Michael Collins1,595,000
3Calvin Anderson2,755,000
4Tyler St. Clair1,960,000
5Sonny Sekhon4,660,000
6John Crncic2,415,000
7Ryan Biermann3,085,000
8Glenn Sullivan1,010,000
9Justin Ciolfitto1,490,000

The first victim of the final table was Glenn Sullivan who made his exit roughly one hour into play on Day 4. Sullivan came into play as the shortest stack at the table and saw his final hand when he moved all in from the button. Mal Hagan called him from the big blind and showed {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}. Sullivan tabled {4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} and was in need of some help. Sullivan struck gold on the {10-Spades}{4-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} flop, hitting his set of fours and jumping into the lead. The {K-Spades} on the turn gave Hagan open ended straight outs but he managed to hit the {J-Diamonds} on the river, making a bigger set and sending Sullivan to the rail as the first victim of this final table. Sullivan took home $28,236 in winnings for his ninth place finish.

It was at this point that the final table came to a screeching halt. Play tightened up and the final eight players dueled over the felt for a whopping four hours before finally seeing the next casualty. Michael Collins saw his stack get blinded down to almost nothing and when he finally moved all in it was for less than a minimum raise. Collins held {j-Diamonds}{7-Spades} against Crncic's {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts}. The board came {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{A-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{8-Spades} and Collins officially became the eighth place finisher.

Tyler St. Clair finished in seventh place when he moved all in from the small blind holding {7-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} only to have Sekhon wake up with {A-Spades}{7-Hearts} in the big blind. A board of {k-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{k-Spades}{4-Clubs}{A-Hearts} ensured that St. Clair was to take home $45,031 in prize money.

Perhaps the most agonizing elimination of the final table came just after the dinner break when Calvin Anderson moved all in from the cutoff for his last 1.6 million in chips. Ryan Biermann went into the tank for well over two minutes before finally announcing a call.


Anderson: {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}
Biermann: {A-Spades}{7-Spades}

Anderson saw his dreams come true as he made a set of tens on the {10-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} flop. The {k-Diamonds} rolled off on the turn, giving Biermann a gutshot draw to make Broadway and win the hand.

"Just pair the board," said Anderson timidly.

Unfortunately for Anderson the dealer did not listen, as the {J-Spades} struck fifth street and caused players in the room to explode with shock. A stunned Anderson took home $57,864 in winnings.

Sekhon was the chip leader to start the day and was sailing along nicely until he saw himself lose back to back hands that spelled the end of his tournament. Sekhon lost most of his chips when he ran into the pocket kings of Biermann, and then was essentially forced to move his last two blinds all in the very next hand with {7-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}. The worst starting hand in hold'em did not hold up for Sekhon and he was eliminated in fifth place.

Hagan fell to the hands of Biermann when he moved all in with {k-Diamonds}{10-Spades} and was called by Biermann's superior {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}. Hagan failed to improve and went home as the fourth place finisher. Not long after, Justin Ciolfitto was eliminated in third place when his {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs} could not outdraw the {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} of Crncic.

Heads up play began with Biermann taking a severe lead over Crncic. That all changed, however, when Crncic scored a crucial double up by flopping top pair and having it hold. From there on out it was Crncic who dictated the action on the felt. The match finally came to a head when Crncic opened to 800,000 on the button only to have Biermann ship all in for about 6.8 million total. Crncic called and the hands were revealed:


Crncic: {A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Biermann: {A-Clubs}{q-Spades}

Biermann's hopes of doubling up were dashed when the dealer fanned out {A-Spades}{8-Hearts}{2-Hearts}, giving Crncic two pair and the best hand. The turn brought the {6-Hearts}, meaning that Biermann would have to catch one of the two remaining queens to stay alive. The {k-Spades} hit the river and he was forced to settle for second place and a payday of $177,060.

Final Table Payouts

1John Crncic$286,382
2Ryan Biermann$177,060
3Justin Ciolfitto$131,580
4Mal Hagan$98,917
5Sonny Sekhon$75,217
6Calvin Anderson$57,864
7Tyler St. Clair$45,031
8Michael Collins$35,449
9Glenn Sullivan$28,236

Here at PokerNews we'd like to extend our congratulations to John Crncic for winning such a prestigious event. That does it for our coverage here from the River Rock Theatre in the River Rock Casino and Resort. Be sure to tune into our coverage on November 17th as the WSOPC Main Event at Harvey's in Lake Tahoe kicks off!

Tags: John Crncic

Ryan Biermann Eliminated in 2nd Place ($177,060)

John Crncic had the button. He raised to 800,000 only to have Ryan Biermann move all in for roughly 6.8 million.

Crncic gave a quick count of his own chips before announcing a call.

Biermann: {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades}
Crncic: {A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}

Biermann looked hopefully to double up, but those hopes were crushed when the flop brought {A-Spades}{8-Hearts}{2-Hearts}, giving Crncic two pair and the best hand. The {6-Hearts} came on fourth street and Biermann needed to hit one of the two remaining queens to stay alive in the tournament. The {K-Spades} hit the river and he was forced to settle for second place and a payday of $177,060.

Player Chips Progress
John Crncic ca
John Crncic
Ryan Biermann ca
Ryan Biermann

Tags: John CrncicRyan Biermann

Crncic Continues

Ryan Biermann held the button.

Biermann raised to 600,000 only to have John Crncic come over the top for 1.215 million total.

"I call," announced Biermann out lout before putting his chips into the pot.

The flop fell {J-Spades}{2-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Crncic continued for 2.5 million. Biermann got rid of his cards and Crncic took the flop.

Player Chips Progress
John Crncic ca
John Crncic
Ryan Biermann ca
Ryan Biermann

Tags: Ryan BiermannJohn Crncic

Level: 37

Blinds: 120,000/240,000

Ante: 50,000

Cnrcic Doubles Into Chip Lead

Ryan Biermann had the button. He raised to 600,000 and John Crncic called.

The dealer fanned a flop of {3-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and Crncic announced a bet. Biermann fired right back by announcing that he was all in and Crncic called at lightning speed.

Crncic: {J-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}
Biermann: {5-Spades}{4-Clubs}

Crncic's pair of jacks were ahead but Biermann picked up more outs when the {2-Hearts} fell on fourth street. The {3-Diamonds} completed the board, however, and Crncic was able to double up. He now has the chip lead with 12.06 million in chips to Biermann's 7.565 million.

Player Chips Progress
John Crncic ca
John Crncic
Ryan Biermann ca
Ryan Biermann

Tags: Ryan BiermannJohn Crncic

Biermann Takes Another One

John Crncic had the button. He made it 400,000 to go and Ryan Biermann called.

The flop was {10-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{Q-Spades} and Biermann checked. Crncic continued for 700,000 and Biermann flat called. Both players checked the {J-Clubs} on the turn and Biermann fired 1.5 million when the {8-Hearts} hit the river. After about a minute, Cnrcic let go of his cards and Biermann was awarded the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Biermann ca
Ryan Biermann
John Crncic ca
John Crncic

Tags: Ryan BiermannJohn Crncic

Biermann Knocks Out a Leg Early

On the first hand of heads up play, John Crncic raised to 650,000 from the button. Ryan Biermann three-bet to 1.7 million and Crncic called.

The flop was {9-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{10-Clubs} and Biermann continued out for 1.5 million. Crncic took about a minute before letting go of his hand, giving Biermann first blood in this match.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Biermann ca
Ryan Biermann
John Crncic ca
John Crncic

Tags: Ryan BiermannJohn Crncic