Picking Up Pots Preflop

On one hand, after Matt "All in at 420" Stout raised to 4,200 from under the gun and Steve Wong flatted in position from the hijack seat, Paul Magriel reraised all in for about 30,000 or so. Stout and Wong both folded.
"Three times in a row!" exclaimed Magriel as he flashed the deuce of spades. He was implying that's he made moves with pocket twos the past two hands as well.
On another table, Theo Tran opened the action for 4,200 from early position. Action folded over to Matt Brady and he reraised Tran to 11,400. Everyone folded, including Tran, and Brady picked up some much needed chips.
Play for Brady has been pretty uneventful today. Maybe it's a lack of spots, maybe it's lack of cards, but either way he's had his patience tested as he waits to pounce.