2022 Ontario WSOP Online

WSOP Online Ontario Bracelet Events
Day: 1

"Serenity Now" Hits the River to Leave "FishOnLifeHeatr" On Fumes

Serenity Now Hits the River
Serenity Now Hits the River

"FishOnLifeHeatr" raised to 475 and was called by "chainsawbear" in middle position and "Serenity Now" from the big blind.

The flop came {8-Hearts}{9-Spades}{2-Hearts} and "FishOnLifeHeatr" continued for 926, with both opponents calling to see the {10-Clubs} turn.

Action checked to "chainsawbear" who bet 2,800 as "FishOnLifeHeatr" and "Serenity Now" both called. The river came the {10-Spades} and "Serenity Now" led out for 3,200.

"FishOnLifeHeatr" used some of their time bank before calling as "chainsawbear" got out of the way. "Serenity Now" showed {j-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for rivered trips, cracking the {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs} of "FishOnLifeHeatr" and leaving them on an extreme short-stack.

Level 8 chip update

PlayerChip Count
R U MAD37,977
Magical Panda34,956
Serenity Now34,330
Justin Ouimette30,053

Tags: Serenity NowFishOnLifeHeatrchainsawbear