2012 World Poker Tour Merit Cyprus Classic

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2012 World Poker Tour Merit Cyprus Classic

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Martin Gives Chouity The Finger

Nicolas Chouity has just been eliminated at the hands of EPT Prague champion Martin Finger.

We joined the action having seen Finger raise to 2,400 from middle position, Per Ummer call to his direct left and the action pass to Chouity in the big blind. Chouity pondered all of his options before settling on a raise to 6,700 in total. Finger made the call, as did Ummer.

The flop came down {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and Chouity fired out a bet of 4,700, leaving himself around 20,000 chips behind. Finger eventually called but Ummer left them to it and folded.

The {3-Diamonds} appeared on the turn and now Chouity checked and he had the look of a man who had backed himself into a sticky situation. Both he and Finger were now short and it seemed inevitable the chips were going to end up in the middle sooner rather than later. Finger bet just 5,500 and Chouity looked resigned to calling, which is what he did.

The river was the {6-Diamonds} and Chouity checked for a second time but Finger pounced and moved all-in for 15,000, covering Chouity by just a couple of thousand chips. Chouity left out a big audible sigh before making the call but he mucked his hand when he saw Finger had been sat their with {a-Clubs}{a-Spades} all along.

Chouity slammed his identification tag onto the felt before gathering his belongings and leaving the tournament area. Finger on the other hand --pardon the pun — is back in business with 63,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
Nicolas Chouity lb
Nicolas Chouity

Tags: Martin FingerNicolas Chouity