2023 UKIPT Nottingham

£1,100 Main Event
Day: 1de
Event Info

2023 UKIPT Nottingham

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 150,000
Players Info - Day 1de
Players Left

Bowley Busts to Pilkington on the Bubble

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Jessica Pilkington
Jessica Pilkington

William Bowley moved all in under the gun for 8,000. John Billingham called, Jessica Pilkington called, John Farrell called, and Morris David called.

The flop came J?J?7?. Action checked to Farrell, who bet 15,000. Billingham called and Pilkington called.

The turn was the Q? and all players checked. The river came the 9? and again all players checked to showdown.

The all in player, Bowley, had A?8? and was playing the pair of jacks on board with ace high. Farrell had 8?4?. Billingham showed A?J? for trip jacks. Pilkington had 4?3? for a rivered flush to win the pot.

Bowley was eliminated on the bubble. All other players bagged and tagged their chips in anticipation of Day 2.

Player Chips Progress
William Bowley gb
William Bowley

Tags: Jessica PilkingtonJohn BillinghamJohn FarrellMorris DavidWilliam Bowley

O'Kearney Eliminated on Soft Bubble

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Dara O’Kearney
Dara O’Kearney

Dara O'Kearney was all in from the big blind for 1,000. Action folded around to Chris Da Silva in the small blind, who happened not to be at his seat at the time. It was ruled that Da Silva's hand would play as he was automatically covering O'Kearney with no further action. The cards were flipped.

Dara O'Kearney: 8?6?
Chris Da Silva: K?10?

O'Kearney started shouting out for his cards to come. "Please put an eight out there! Eight, eight, eight!"

The board ran out 2?10?7?5?J?. The eight never came. Instead, Da Silva hit a ten on the flop and held to win the pot and eliminate O'Kearney on the bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Dara O'Kearney ie
Dara O'Kearney

Tags: Chris Da SilvaDara O'Kearney

Elkamand Busts to Mihu as Bubble Approaches

Level 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Cristian Mihu raised to 15,000 from middle position and picked up two callers, including Najeeb Elkamand in the big blind.

The flop came 6?6?3?. Elkamand checked, Mihu bet 22,000, and then Elkamand moved all in for around 80,000. Mihu made the call with the bigger stack and players turned over their cards.

Najeeb Elkamand: 10?10?
Cristian Mihu: Q?Q?

The turn came the A? and the river was the 4?. Mihu held with his pocket queens to win the pot. Elkamand busted as the bubble approaches.

Player Chips Progress
Cristian Mihu ro
Cristian Mihu
Najeeb Elkamand
Najeeb Elkamand

Tags: Cristian Mihu

Montgomery Runs Nines Into Jacks

Level 16 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante

Alex Montgomery moved all in from late position for around 30,000 and Chuc Khuu pushed all in over the top from the button. Players flipped their cards.

Alex Montgomery: 9?9?
Chuc Khuu: J?J?

The board ran out 8?Q?K?A?2?. Khuu held with his pocket jacks to win the pot. Montgomery was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Chuc Khuu gb
Chuc Khuu
Alex Montgomery gb
Alex Montgomery

Tags: Alex MontgomeryChuc Khuu

Thongnonsung Shoves and Busts

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Shortly after losing a big pot, Rungarun Thongnonsung was all in from late position with a short stack and was called by Guillermo Sanchez on the button, who had Thongnonsung well covered as players flipped their cards.

Rungarun Thongnonsung: Q?9?
Guillermo Sanchez: 3?3?

The board ran out A?A?K?4?6?. Thongnonsung didn't manage to improve and so Sanchez held with his pocket threes to win the pot. Thongnonsung was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Guillermo Sanchez es
Guillermo Sanchez
Rungarun Thongnonsung gb
Rungarun Thongnonsung

Tags: Guillermo SanchezRungarun Thongnonsung

Prior Rivers Straight to Bust Rahman

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of Q?10?A?. Shapiur Rahman checked, Oliver Prior fired out a bet, and Rahman check-raised all in with a short stack. Prior called and players flipped their cards.

Shapiur Rahman: Q?10?
Oliver Prior: K?Q?

Prior had a pair of kings and Rahman had two pair with a backdoor straight draw. The turn came the 2? and the river was the J?. The river completed Prior's straight to give him the pot. Rahman was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Oliver Prior gb
Oliver Prior
Shapiur Rahman bd
Shapiur Rahman

Tags: Oliver PriorShapiur Rahman

Yogendran Busts to Ledden

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Thajhan Yogendran was all in preflop against David Ledden, who had him covered as players flipped their cards.

Thajhan Yogendran: A?2?
David Ledden: 4?4?

The board ran out Q?8?8?10?2?. Yogendran picked up a flush draw on the flop but missed his outs. Ledden held with pocket fours to win the pot, sending Yogendran to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
David Ledden gb
David Ledden
Thajhan Yogendran gb
Thajhan Yogendran

Tags: David Ledden

Eldarova Wins Pot With Queens, Pop Busts

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Aytan Eldarova
Aytan Eldarova

Cuc Pop open shoved all in from middle position for 15,600. Charles Whitehouse made the call and Aytan Eldarova called in the small blind.

The flop came 8?3?10? and both players still in contention checked back. The turn was the 5?. Whitehouse bet 5,000 and Eldarova called.

The river came the J?. Whitehouse checked and Eldarova checked. Whitehouse showed 7?7? for pocket sevens and Eldarova flipped over Q?Q? for pocket queens to win the pot. Pop was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Aytan Eldarova
Aytan Eldarova
Charles Whitehouse gb
Charles Whitehouse
Cuc Pop
Cuc Pop

Tags: Charles WhitehouseCuc Pop

Cullen Rivers Straight, Watts Busts

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of 4?J?Q?. Richard David Watts checked and Dominic Cullen bet 3,500. Watts check-raised all in for 12,300 and Cullen called with the bigger stack. Players turned their cards.

Richard David Watts: 10?9?
Dominic Cullen: A?10?

The turn came the 10? and the river was the K?. Both players paired their ten on the turn. The king brought Cullen a straight on the river to give him the pot. Watts was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Dominic Cullen gb
Dominic Cullen
Richard David Watts
Richard David Watts

Tags: Dominic CullenRichard David Watts

Haycock Shoves River, Eliminates Allen

Level 8 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Paul Allen
Paul Allen

Paul Allen opened to 2,000 from middle position and Paul Haycock called in the cutoff.

The flop came J?10?3?. Allen made a continuation bet of 1,500, Haycock raised to 4,000, and Allen called. The turn was the 7?. Allen checked, Haycock bet 6,500 and Allen called.

The river was the 5?. Allen checked and Haycock put Allen all in. Allen made the call. Haycock showed J?10? for two pair, jacks and tens. Allen mucked his hand and was eliminated from the tournament as Haycock scooped the pot and chipped up to around 100,000.

Haycock is representing the charity Hearts of Queens, which raises awareness and funds for women's charities.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Haycock gb
Paul Haycock
Paul Allen gb
Paul Allen

Tags: Paul HaycockPaul Allen