The 3 things SCOOP winners do well (and how you can start doing them too)

The great Phil Galfond once said: ��The biggest misconception in poker is that poker is its own innate skill, like saying ��I��m good at dancing��.��
In other words, good players aren��t simply ��good at poker��. There isn��t one thing that great poker players all do well.
The truth is that the best poker players possess a vast array of skills and traits which have led them to success. So when family members at the dinner table ask you ��what makes a good poker player?�� it can be tricky to pin down an answer without listing more than 20 different attributes.
Instead, we��re going to focus on what online tournament winners do well in order to achieve their success in the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) 2020.
Thankfully, a bunch of SCOOP champs were on hand to help us find out.