2024 RGPS Destination RunGood Thunder Valley

$2,500 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 RGPS Destination RunGood Thunder Valley

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
75,000 / 125,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

$2,500 Main Event

Day 3 Completed

Terrance Reid Wins Destination: RunGood $2,500 Million Dollar Main Event for $192,755!

Level 28 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
TJ Reid - Main Event Winner - Thunder Valley
TJ Reid - Main Event Winner - Thunder Valley

The Destination RunGood Season Finale began with an over-the-top kickoff of its third- annual $1,000,000 guaranteed RGPS Main Event, a $2,500 buy-in tournament that attracted 455 entrants and offered up a $1,015,105, and concluded with another celebration atmosphere as Terrance Reid stood atop the heap after a three-way ICM chop with him taking the lion’s share of $192,755!

On his road to victory, he navigated through a field filled with some of the toughest players and then capped it off with a dominating final table performance that consisted of four WPT titles and three WSOP bracelets.

Destination RunGood: Final Boarding Million Dollar Main Final Table Results

1Terrance ReidUnited States$192,755*
2Lee MarkholtUnited States$124,540*
3Steven RitchieUnited States$110,000*
4Jared JaffeeUnited States$68,830
5Darren RabinowitzUnited States$51,580
6Tyler PattersonUnited States$39,190
7Taylor BlackUnited States$30,200
8Casey MccarrelUnited States$23,600
9Joshua PragerUnited States$18,700

*indicates chop deal

Winner's Reaction

“I feel great, that was a really fun final table, did you see how many chips I had?” The newly crowned champion joked in his post-win interview.

When asked why he chopped with such a massive chip disparity (he held 15,625,000 of the total 18,200,000 in play), he replied:

“I mean I gave up $10,000…I feel like it’s irresponsible of me to play for a $60,000 heads-up… most of the time I close that out in half an hour as each of them had sub-ten big blinds, BUT they are both very good players and you know, blinds are very high for such a well-structured tournament (s/o TV Poker Room) and you double up the same guy twice, before you know it, you're playing a real poker match.”

Originally from the St Louis area, Reid is now a NorCal resident who lives around four hours north of Thunder Valley and spends his free time off the felt taking long walks through the Redwoods, kayaking, and studying poker theory. He says that he will use the winnings for more poker buy-ins and that his backyard hottub will now be installed “a lot sooner”.

Day 3 Action

The day began with 20 remaining contenders, and for a while, it looked as though Casey McCarrel was going to continue his hot streak as he came into the day with the chip lead and kept it throught the first break. But as can be expected with a field of this caliber, several players took turns at the helm as chips were being traded across the felt. Jared Jaffee built a big stack at one point but was cut down when Reid hit a full house with nine-deuce against his trip nines. Reid then used this momentum to completely dominate the tournament and scored several knockouts leading up to the final table.

The Final Table

After Huhan Wu fell to Reid in tenth place, the players were reseated at the final table, with Reid’s stack of 3,930,000 holding a commanding lead as it was over a million more than Casey McCarrel in second place with 2,800,000.

Reid then quickly lengthened the gap when he scored a big pot with a full house against Joshua Prager, but there were still no bustouts for a while and the players went on a 75-minute dinner break.

However, food must have been all these players needed as the chips began flying as soon as they returned. First to go was Prager who fell to Reid when he shoved with queen-eight but ran into Reid’s ace-king to fall in ninth place.

Soon after, Reid shoved the flop of four-five-nine and was tank-called by McCarrel with pocket queens. Unfortunately for him, Reid held four-five for two pair and held to eliminate McCarrel in eighth place for a huge pot.

Reid still hadn't had enough, as Taylor Black moved all in to his right with ace-jack suited and he snapped it off with pocket queens (which held) to bust him in seventh.

Since Reid had all the chips, all the other players were playing super tight until Tyler Patterson finally moved in with ace-five but ran into the ace-queen of Lee Markholt to send the defending champ to the rail for a sixth-place finish.

Tyler Patterson
Tyler Patterson

The players then paused the clock as they floated around chop numbers, but Jaffee declined to accept and they decided to play on.

In fifth came Darren Rabinowitz who got his short stack into the middle with ace-six but failed to improve against the pocket fours of Reid to hit the payout desk in fifth place. The players then decided to run the ICM numbers again, but once more Jaffee declined and the cards kept coming.

Jared Jaffee
Jared Jaffee

Finally, after Reid defeated Jaffee in fourth place with queen-five offsuit against ace-eight, he, Lee Markholt, and Steven Ritchie agreed to a three-way ICM chop. Reid was then awarded with the RGPS ring, the first-place prize of $192,755, as well as a free ticket into the Dream Seat Invitational this November.

This concludes PokerNews’ coverage of the RGPS $1,000,000 guaranteed Destination RunGood: Final Boarding Series Season Finale from the beautiful Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California.

Congratulations to the champion Terrance Reid and to the RunGood and Thunder Valley Poker Room teams on a tremendously successful series to conclude the 2024 RGPS Season!

TJ Reid - Main Event Winner - Thunder Valley
TJ Reid - Main Event Winner - Thunder Valley

Tags: Casey McCarrelDarren RabinowitzJared JaffeeJoshua PragerLee MarkholtSteven RitchieTaylor BlackTerrance ReidTyler Patterson

Jared Jaffee Eliminated in 4th Place ($68,830)

Level 28 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
Jared Jaffee
Jared Jaffee

Terrance Reid open-shoved to cover the table and Jared Jaffee made the call to put himself at risk.

Jared Jaffee: A?8?All in
Terrance Reid: Q?5?

Jaffee was ahead with his ace-high, but the flop of J?K?7? gave Reid a ton of outs with his flush draw.

"Huh," Jaffee exhaled disappointedly as he realized he wasn't in that great of shape, and he really wasn't happy when the 5? peeled on the turn to give Reid the lead. The river was the 4? to seal the deal and awarded Reid the pot while Jaffee hit the rail in fourth place.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Jared Jaffee us
Jared Jaffee
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Jared JaffeeTerrance Reid

Darren Rabinowitz Eliminated in 5th Place ($51,580)

Level 28 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
Darren Rabinowitz
Darren Rabinowitz

Darren Rabinowitz moved all in preflop for his last 475,000 and Terrance Reid made the call while the other players got out of the way.

Darren Rabinowitz: A?6?All in
Terrance Reid: 4?4?

Rabinowitz had two over-cards to Reid's fours, but the runout of 5?9?K?7?K? failed to help him and he was eliminated in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Darren Rabinowitz us
Darren Rabinowitz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Darren RabinowitzTerrance Reid

Tyler Patterson Eliminated in 6th Place ($39,190)

Level 28 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
Tyler Patterson
Tyler Patterson

Tyler Patterson moved all in preflop and Lee Markholt shoved over the top for a successful isolation.

Tyler Patterson: A?5?All in
Lee Markholt: A?Q?

Patterson would need to improve to stay alive, and he picked up a heart draw on the turn 9?8?J?7?, but the river was the brick 9? to send the defending champ out in sixth place.

"What!? No way!" Patterson joked as he congratulated everyone on a good game and headed to the cage to collect his payout.

Player Chips Progress
Lee Markholt us
Lee Markholt
WPT 1X Winner
Tyler Patterson us
Tyler Patterson
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Lee MarkholtTyler Patterson

Taylor Black Eliminated in 7th Place ($30,200)

Level 28 : Blinds 75,000/125,000, 125,000 ante
Taylor Black
Taylor Black

Taylor Black moved all in preflop and Terrance Reid shoved over the top to his immediate left, forcing folds from the rest of the table.

Taylor Black: A?J?All in
Terrance Reid : Q?Q?

Black would need some help to stay alive, and he did get some hope on the J?3?2? flop, but the runout of 4?2? failed to get him there and he was eliminated in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Taylor Black us
Taylor Black
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Taylor BlackTerrance Reid

Level: 28

Blinds: 75,000/125,000

Ante: 125,000

Casey McCarrel Eliminated in 8th Place ($23,600)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Casey McCarrel
Casey McCarrel

On a three-way flop of 5?4?9?, Lee Markhold checked, Casey McCarrel bet 400,000, then Terrance Reid moved all in to cover both players.

Markholt quickly got out of the way and McCarrel went into the tank, as he had close to 3,000,000 in his stack.

"Why so much?" he asked.

"Because I don't want you to hit your gutshot on me like yesterday, too risky," Reid replied.

After a few more moments, McCarrell set out his stack to make the call and the cards were on their backs in the monster pot.

Casey McCarrel: Q?Q?All in
Terrance Reid: 4?5?

Reid was in the lead with his two pair, but the board could still pair to give McCarrel a superior two pair.

Unfortunately for McCarrel, the runout of A?10? failed to do so and he was eliminated in eight place while Reid was shipped the pot to hold over half of the chips in play.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Casey Mccarrel us
Casey Mccarrel

Tags: Casey McCarrelLee MarkholdTerrance Reid

Ritchie Spikes One-Outer to Double

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Steven Ritchie
Steven Ritchie

Steven Ritchie moved all in preflop for around 575,000 and Terrance called quickly called to put him at risk.

Steven Ritchie: 6?6?All in
Terrance Reid: 9?9?

Ritchie would need a miracle to stay alive, and he sure got it as the runout came 5?Q?10?6?4? gave him a set of sixes on the turn to secure the double.

"Nice one-outer," Darren Rabinowitz said, claiming to have folded a six.

"Yeah, we were all pulling for you," Lee Markhold joked, which got a round of laughs from the table as Ritchie pumped his fist in the air.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Steven Ritchie us
Steven Ritchie

Tags: Darren RabinowitzLee MarkholdSteven RitchieTerrance Reid

Joshua Prager Eliminated in 9th Place ($18,700)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Joshua Prager
Joshua Prager

Short-stacked Joshua Prager moved all in for his last 325,000 and then Taylor Black raised to 600,000, but then Terrance Reid shoved to cover the table, which forced a fold from Black and the cards were tabled.

Joshua Prager: Q?8?All in
Terrance Reid: A?K?

The runout of K?2?10?Q?10? gave Reid the win with his king and sent Prager to the payout desk in ninth place as the first casualty at the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Terrance Reid us
Terrance Reid
Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager

Tags: Joshua PragerTaylor BlackTerrance Reid