2017 PokerStars Festival Dublin

Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Festival Dublin

Event Info
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

“I Bluffed the Bollix Off Him,” Paul Carr Like a Boss Vs Will Kassouf

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante
William Kassouf
William Kassouf

There was an open and then a call from William Kassouf before Christian Caffrey on the button raised to 1,700. The original raiser folded but Kassouf called.

The flop was {2-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{j-Clubs} and Kassouf check-called a bet of 2,500.

“I hope you’re not bluffing me,” said Kassouf, “I’ve got top pair. Ace jack no good.”

The turn was the {8-Diamonds} and Kassouf check-called a 4,000 bet from Caffrey while the chatter continued.

The river was the {k-Clubs}.

“There’s the money card, you let me get there. If I bet now you’ll fold,” Kassouf continued.

They both checked and when Caffrey showed his {j-Diamonds}{j-Spades} flopped set Kasouf had to admit defeat and folded.

Paul Carr is at the same table and recounted a recent hand where he, “Bluffed the bollix off him,” which creased up the table including the dealer. Carr told how he had check-called flop and river and then bombed the river with an over bet which saw Kasouff fold.

Carr insisted he was bluffing, Kassouf was adamant Carr had turned a flush.

To settle the matter Kassouf opened for 800 and Carr called on the button as the rest of ther players left them to it.

The flop was {q-Spades}{k-Clubs}{7-Spades} and Kassouf continued for 800. Carr called to see the {3-Clubs} hit the turn.

Kassouf checked and when Carr asked how much he had left and bet 3,000 Kassouf folded.

“Never mind nine high like a boss,” Carr taunted, “Eight high like a boss,” and showed his {8-Clubs}{5-Clubs}.

“You picked up a flush draw on the turn,” Kassouf protested as the pot was pushed to a jubilant Carr.

“I’ll warn you,” Carr told the rest of the table, “I’m only doing that to him. If I bet against any of the rest of you I’ll have it.”

Player Chips Progress
Paul Carr ie
Paul Carr
William Kassouf gb
William Kassouf

Tags: Paul CarrWilliam Kassouf