Hands #48-53: Lots of Folds

Level 30
: 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Hand #48: Maxim Panyak opened the cutoff for 250,000 with . Andrey Bondar folded
on the button and both blinds folded as well.
Hand #49: Andrey Bondar took down the pot with a 260,000 cutoff raise holding .
Hand #50: Andreas Klatt in the cutoff shoved for 1,640,000 with . No callers, small pot to Klatt.
Hand #51: Michael Kolkowicz opened the button holding , making it 355,000. Small blind Maxim Panyak contemplated what to do for a bit before folding
. Bondar folded his big blind, pot to Kolkowicz.
Hand #52: Maxim Panyak took down the pot raising to 260,000 with on the button.
Hand #53: Again Maxim Panyak, this time from the cutoff, raised to 260,000 with . Everyone folded.