2017 PokerStars Championship Panama

$25,500 Single-Day High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Panama

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Jason Koon Eliminated

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Action folded to Jason Koon on the button and he moved in for 53,000. The small blind folded but big blind Dario Sammartino quickly called.

"Ow, that's a good hand" Koon said with a grin on his face.

Jason Koon: {K-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}
Dario Sammartino: {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}

The board ran out {J-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades}{K-Hearts}{Q-Spades} and Koon hit the rail. Down to 15 players as Nacho Barbero busted on another table at the same time, another redraw is in place.

Player Chips Progress
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
WSOP 1X Winner
Jason Koon us
Jason Koon
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Dario SammartinoJason Koon

Timex's Lead is Short Lived

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Mike McDonald
Mike McDonald

Action folded to Poker Hall of Famer Erik Seidel on the button and he moved all in for right around 80,000. An even shorter-stacked Mike "Timex" McDonald was in the big blind and opted to cal off for approximately 50,000.

McDonald: {k-Spades}{j-Spades}
Seidel: {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

McDonald needed some help, and while he didn't get it on the {5-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} flop, he did on the {K-Hearts} turn. Unfortunately for him, his lead only lasted one street as the {A-Diamonds} spiked on the river to give Seidel the win.

"Good game, Erik," McDonald offered before taking his leave from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
WPT 1X Winner
Mike McDonald ca
Mike McDonald
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Erik SeidelMike McDonald

Kanit Busts Two Players

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Adrian Mateos and Mustapha Kanit
Adrian Mateos and Mustapha Kanit

Adrian Mateos shoved from the hijack for 69,000 and his neighbor Mustapha Kanit three-bet to 150,000 from the cutoff. Over on the button sat Daniel Dvoress and he called all in for fewer chips than Mateos had.

Mustapha Kanit: {K-Spades}{K-Diamonds}
Adrian Mateos: {10-Hearts}{9-Hearts}
Daniel Dvoress: {4-Hearts}{4-Spades}

The board ran out {3-Clubs}{10-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{8-Spades} and both Mateos and Dvoress made their exit.

"Seat open!" Kanit shouted, "Ciao belli!"

Kanit, just about the only person to get away with such needles as his ever smiling face shows he's just kidding, continued: "See you next time! Try again next time!"

As Dvoress laughed while packing his things, Kanit shifted his focus: "Table three two seats open! We need new players! Bring Timex, I want to bust Mike McDonald!"

Player Chips Progress
Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Mustapha KanitDaniel DvoressAdrian Mateos

Davidi Kitai Can't Out Flip Mustapha Kanit

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Davidi Kitai
Davidi Kitai

We missed the preflop action, but we do know that Belgian Davidi Kitai got his stack of 80,000 all in and was at risk against Italy's Mustapha Kanit.

Kanit: {q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Kitai: {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

It was a flip and Kitai was just looking to hold to double. That proved easier said than done though as the {4-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} flop paired Kanit. Neither the {K-Diamonds} turn nor {7-Diamonds} river helped Kitai and he was sent to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Davidi KitaiMustapha Kanit

Steve O'Dwyer Down in Monster Pot

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Steve O'Dwyer
Steve O'Dwyer

Steve O'Dwyer (cutoff) and Igor Kurganov (big blind) got their stacks in the middle before the flop. "Ow come on!" O'Dywer said with a smile as he saw the showdown.

Igor Kurganov: {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}
Steve O'Dwyer: {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}

The {3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} flop brought O'Dywer some outs, but neither the {4-Clubs} on the turn or {7-Spades} on the river helped him. O'Dywer pushed his stack of 185,000 in the direction of Kurganov and said "That was quick" as he made his exit.

New Team PokerStars Pro Igor Kurganov opened up to Sarah about his decision to join the team.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Igor KurganovSteve O'Dwyer

Level: 9

Blinds: 3,000/6,000

Ante: 1,000


Level 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

The players are on their 20-minute break. When they return, registration is closed. 44 entries right now with 22 remaining.

Justin Bonomo Bounced by Byron Kaverman

Level 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Justin Bonomo
Justin Bonomo

Action folded to Byron Kaverman in the small blind and he simply moved all in to put the pressure on Justin Bonomo in the big. Bonomo called off for right around 55,000 and the cards were turned up.

Kaverman: {10-Diamonds}{7-Spades}
Bonomo: {k-Hearts}{6-Hearts}

Bonomo got it in good but that didn't matter as Kaverman ended up with the best of it after the board ran out {8-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{6-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Byron Kaverman us
Byron Kaverman
WSOP 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Byron KavermanJustin Bonomo

Paul Newey Shoves the Button

Level 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Action folded to a shot-stacked Paul Newey on the button and he moved all in for 27,900, which Dan Colman called from the small blind.

Newey: {k-Hearts}{4-Spades}
Colman: {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

Newey didn't have a great hand, but it was good enough to give him a double after the board ran out {q-Spades}{3-Spades}{7-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{a-Spades}.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Colman us
Dan Colman
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey

Tags: Paul NeweyDan Colman