From the small blind, Will Molson raised to 80,000 and Adolfo Vaeza called from the big blind. The flop came down and Molson bet 90,000. Vaeza asked Molson if he went all in would he call. Molson said, "If you go all in, I'm going to call." Then, Vaeza shoved and Molson snapped him off.
Vaeza held for top and bottom pair versus Molson's .
The turn gave Molson his flush, but it also gave Vaeza a full house when the landed. The river was the meaningless .
Vaeza was all in for 427,000 and now has near one million in chips.
Action was checked to the river on a board of between William Reynolds and Michiel Brummelhuis. Reynolds checked the river and Brummelhuis fired 36,000. Reynolds called and won the pot with a pair of fours. Brummelhuis held eight high.
Mickey DoftLisa Hamilton - 5th Place
William Reynolds raised to 70,000 in the cutoff and Will Molson called from the small blind. Lisa Hamilton re-raised from the big blind to 180,000.
Reynolds threw his hand away, but Molson announced all in. Hamilton called all in with and was racing against Molson's .
The board ran out and Hamilton's run came to an end with a fifth-place finish.
From the button, Adolfo Vaeza raised to 70,000 and William Reynolds called out of the small blind. After a flop of , Reynolds led with a bet of 85,000 and took down the pot.
Michiel Brummelhuis raised from under the gun to 72,000. William Reynolds was the only caller out of the big blind. The flop came down and both players checked.
The turn card was the , pairing the board with bullets. Reynolds checked and Brummelhuis bet 45,000. Reynolds made the call.
The river was the and Reynolds led out for 132,000. Brummelhuis eventually folded his hand.