partypoker US Network Online Series (August 16-23)

Event #11: $20,000 GTD NLH
Day: 1
Event Info

partypoker US Network Online Series (August 16-23)

Final Results
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Winning Hand
Event Info

Event #11: $20,000 GTD NLH

Day 1 Completed

Dan “mj23style” Sewnig Takes Down partypoker US Network Online Series Event #11 for $8,000

Dan “mj23style” Sewing Takes Down partypoker US Network Online Series Event #11
Dan “mj23style” Sewing Takes Down partypoker US Network Online Series Event #11

Dan “mj23style” Sewnig just emerged victorious in Event #11: $20,000 GTD NLH of the partypoker US Network Online Series after topping a field of 47 entrants in this $215 buy-in. For his efforts, the newly crowned winner took home a first-place prize of $8,000.

Once registration closed, Sewing was one of the shortest stacks but he went on a dominant run quickly after eventually taking a seat at the final table with the chip lead.

Although Michael "miw210x" Wang was responsible for most of the eliminations at the final table, Sewnig was slowly adding to his stack, and after eliminating Eric "alwaysliquid" Vanauken in third place, he found himself heads-up against Wang with the stacks being relatively even.

Wang managed to take the lead at the beginning of the match but that didn't last long as Sewnig found a crucial double to get back in the game. He started winning pot after pot to take over the lead and it was all over when Wang ran ace-queen into Sewnig's pair of jacks only to see Sewnig flop a set and win it all.

Final Results

1Dan “mj23style” Sewnig$8,000
2Michael "miw210x" Wang$4,250
3Eric "alwaysliquid" Vanauken$2,800
5Angel "chromeking" Lopez$1,600

In the Money

"RiverMan" was the first elimination in the money after he three-bet jammed ace-five suited and saw a call by Wang with queen-ten. Wang hit a queen and that was it for "Riverman"'s tournament life.

Angel "chromeking" Lopez was Wang's next victim when she four-bet jammed with threes against Wang's king-jack. Wang made a full house to end Lopez's tournament's run.

"bubbleboyy" was next in fourth place. He shoved with eights from the button and got called by Wang who held fours. While "bubbleboyy" was comfortably ahead, Wang made a flush to win the pot.

Vanauken ended his run in third place after he called an all-in raise from Sewnig with top pair only to see Sewnig's two pair.

Michael "miw210x" Wang was the last elimination of the tournament after he four-bet jammed ace-queen into Sewnig's jacks. Sewing flopped a set and Wang couldn't recover, taking second place instead.

Tags: Michael WangDan Sewnig

Michael "miw210x" Wang Eliminated in 2nd Place ($4,250)

Michael "miw210x" Wang Eliminated in 2nd Place ($4,250)
Michael "miw210x" Wang Eliminated in 2nd Place ($4,250)

In Level 24 with blinds of 12,000/24,000 with a 3,000 ante, Michael "miw210x" Wang raised to 52,000 from the small blind and Dan “mj23style” Sewing three-bet to 144,000 from the big blind. Wang responded by moving all in for 474,404 and Sewing made the call.

Michael "miw210x" Wang: {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Dan “mj23style” Sewing: {j-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}

The flop came {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{3-Spades} giving Wang a pair of queens but Sewing a set of jacks. The {k-Clubs} turn and {2-Clubs} river completed the board and Sewing won the pot, winning the tournament for $8,000 and eliminating Wang in second place for $4,250.

Player Chips Progress
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Michael "miw210x" Wang
Michael "miw210x" Wang

Sewing Takes Over the Lead

In Level 23 with blinds of 10,000/20,000 with a 2,500 ante, Dan “mj23style” Sewing raised to 44,000 from the small blind and Michael "miw210x" Wang called from the big blind.

The flop came {8-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades} and was checked through to the {q-Hearts} turn. Wang checked again but Sewing threw in a bet of 55,800 that Wang check-called.

The {a-Clubs} river filled up the board and Wang check-called another bet of 147,500 from Sewing. Sewing turned over {q-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} for queens and sixes and Wang mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Michael "miw210x" Wang
Michael "miw210x" Wang

Eric "alwaysliquid" Vanauken Eliminated in 3rd Place ($2,800)

"alwaysliquid" Eliminated in 3rd Place ($2,800)
"alwaysliquid" Eliminated in 3rd Place ($2,800)

In Level 22 with blinds of 8,000/16,000 with a 2,000 ante, Eric "alwaysliquid" Vanauken raised to 32,000 from the button and Michael "miw210x" Wang called from the small blind along with Dan “mj23style” Sewnig in the big blind.

Players saw a flop of {10-Clubs}{7-Spades}{2-Clubs} and action was checked to Vanauken who bet 102,000. Wang folded but Sewnig went deep into the tank before raising all in for 314,390. Vanauken made the call putting at risk a total of 300,594.

Eric "alwaysliquid" Vanauken: {k-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig: {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts}

Vanauken had a pair of tens but Sewnig had tens and sevens. The {4-Hearts} turn and {a-Clubs} river completed the board and Sewnig took down the pot with two pair, eliminating Vanauken in third place for $2,800.

Player Chips Progress
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
Dan “mj23style” Sewnig
alwaysliquid us

"bubbleboyy" Eliminated in 4th Place ($2,100)

"bubbleboyy" Eliminated in 4th Place ($2,100)
"bubbleboyy" Eliminated in 4th Place ($2,100)

In Level 20 with blinds of 6,000/12,000 with a 1,500 ante, "bubbleboyy" shoved from the button for 110,383 and Michael "miw210x" Wang reshoved from the small blind for 837,395.

"bubbleboyy": {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}
Michael "miw210x" Wang: {4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}

"bubbleboyy" was ahead but the runout came {k-Clubs}{q-Spades}{5-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and Wang took down the pot with a flush, sending "bubbleboyy" to the rail in fourth place for a $2,100 payday.

Player Chips Progress
Michael "miw210x" Wang
Michael "miw210x" Wang
bubbleboyy us

Angel "chromeking" Lopez Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,600)

Angel "chromeking" Lopez Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,600)
Angel "chromeking" Lopez Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,600)

In Level 20 with blinds of 6,000/12,000 with a 1,500 ante, Angel "chromeking" Lopez raised to 24,000 from the cutoff and Michael "miw210x" Wang three-bet to 88,000 from the big blind. Lopez responded by moving all in for 205,190 and Wang made the call.

Angel "chromeking" Lopez: {3-Diamonds}{3-Spades}
Michael "miw210x" Wang: {k-Hearts}{j-Spades}

Wang hit a favorable flop of {j-Clubs}{10-Spades}{4-Clubs}. The {10-Clubs} turn and {j-Hearts} river filled up the board and he improved his hand to jacks full of tens, eliminating Lopez in fifth place for $1,600.

Player Chips Progress
Michael "miw210x" Wang
Michael "miw210x" Wang
Angel "chromeking" Lopez
Angel "chromeking" Lopez

"RiverMan" Eliminated in 6th Place ($1,250)

"RiverMan" Eliminated in 6th Place ($1,250)
"RiverMan" Eliminated in 6th Place ($1,250)

At Level 19 with blinds of 5,000/10,000 with a 1,250 ante, Michael "miw210x" Wang raised to 22,000 from the hijack and "RiverMan" three-bet jammed for 97,707. Action folded back to Wang who made the call.

"RiverMan": {a-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}
Michael "miw210x" Wang: {q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

"RiverMan" was ahead and the flop came {7-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} giving him a flush draw. But the {8-Hearts} turn and {q-Clubs} river filled up the board and Wang won the pot with a pair of queens, eliminating "RiverMan" in sixth place for $1,250.