2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

World Cup
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

Final Results Event Info
Level Info
3,000 / 6,000

Bubble Time

Level 6 : 600/1,200, 100 ante

The tournament is down to its final three teams; just Team Russia (represented by Vladimir Troyanovskiy right now), Team Italy (Giuliano Bendinelli) and Team United States (Isaac Haxton) are still in.

As soon as the tournament is down to heads-up, this stage of the Global Poker Masters is over. The next stage, the final, will see all five players of the remaining two teams play a heads up match simultaneously.

What happens when the last hand is a three way all in and won by the big stack? Maybe we'll find out!

Hands #44: Team Germany Eliminated

Level 6 : 600/1,200, 100 ante
George Danzer, Philipp Gruissem and Christopher Frank of Team Germany
George Danzer, Philipp Gruissem and Christopher Frank of Team Germany

Hand 44: Giuliano Bendinelli received {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} and opened for 3,400. Ole Schemion, having just doubled the Italian player, three bet to 6,300. Troyanovskiy folded ace four and the decision was back on Bendinelli. Bendinelli shoved all in and Ole Schemion instantly called.

Giuliano Bendinelli: {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}
Ole Schemion: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

The {A-Spades}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs} on the flop was good for Team Germany and they all cheered. Another wave of cheering with the {A-Hearts} on the turn.

The {K-Diamonds} on the river had the complete opposite effect, Team Germany sighed and congratulated the Italian team not much later.

Player Chips Progress
Team United States us
Team United States
Team Italy it
Team Italy
Team Russia ru
Team Russia
Team Germany de
Team Germany

Tags: Ole SchemionGiuliano Bendinelli

Hand #43: Team Italy Doubles Through Team Germany

Level 6 : 600/1,200, 100 ante
Ole Schemion gets a pat on the back from Andrea Dato after Giuliano Bendinelli doubled up
Ole Schemion gets a pat on the back from Andrea Dato after Giuliano Bendinelli doubled up

Hand 43: Giuliano Bendinelli raised to 3,000 and Ole Schemion three-bet to 7,600 from the small blind. Bendinelli four-bet to 16,600 when the action got back to him and Schemion responded with an all-in shove.

Bendinelli called.

Schemion: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}
Bendinelli: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}

The board ran out {K-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} and Bendinelli doubled through Schemion! Team Italy was all in for a total of 67,250 and doubled up to 136,700 and into second place.

Player Chips Progress
Team Italy it
Team Italy
Team Germany de
Team Germany

Tags: Giuliano BendinelliOle Schemion

Level: 6

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 100

Hands #38-42: Smith Over Bets the River, Schemion Hits With Q4

Level 5 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Hand 38: With just a big blind for Ole Schemion, nobody showed interest. Team Germany received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 39: Vladimir Troyanovskiy opened for 2,300 under the gun with {K-Spades}{9-Hearts}. All three of his opponents folded and Team Russia took down the blinds and antes.

Hand 40: Giuliano Bendinelli opened for 2,000 with {J-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and Dan Smith in the small blind made the call with {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. {A-Clubs}{8-Spades}{4-Clubs} on the flop and Smith checked. Bendinelli bet 2,500. Smith, having flopped top pair, made the call. The {6-Diamonds} on the turn left Bendinelli drawing dead and he checked behind as soon as he got that option from Smith.

The river {9-Hearts} made Smith bet 13,000 into 10,400 with his two pair. Bendinelli, having rivered second pair, needed a timebank to make his decision. Eventually he made the right one; he folded.

Hand 41: Dan Smith opened for 2,500 with {10-Spades}{9-Clubs} and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand 42: Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised to 2,300 and Ole Schemion called from the big blind. The flop came down {5-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Schemion lead out for 3,700. Troyanovskiy, who held {10-Clubs}{10-Spades}, called.

The turn was the {A-Hearts} and now Schemion checked to Troyanovskiy who checked behind. The river was the {3-Clubs} and Schemion bet 13,375 into a pot of 12,900. We did not see Schemion's cards, but Troyanovskiy went into the tank before calling. Schemion showed {Q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} for a rivered straight and he took down this big pot.

Tags: Dan SmithGiuliano Bendinelli

Hands #34-37: Team Canada Eliminated in 5th Place

Level 5 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Team Canada
Team Canada

Hand 34: Ami Barer raised to 2,000 from the button and Ole Schemion three-bet from the small blind to 4,900. Barer folded and Schemion won his first pot at the table.

Hand 35: Dan Smith limped from the small blind and Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised to 2,500 from the big blind with {A-Hearts}{3-Spades}. Smith called and the flop showed {J-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}. Both players checked and the turn was the {9-Spades}.

The action got checked again and the river was the {10-Hearts}. Smith lead out for 5,000 and Troyanovskiy folded.

Hand 36: The action folded to Vladimir Troyanovskiy who raised to 2,400. Giuliano Bendinelli in the big blind called and the flop showed {J-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{K-Hearts}. Bendinelli had {A-Spades}{7-Hearts} and he faced a bet of 2,600, to which he folded.

Hand 37: Dan Smith looked down on {7-Hearts}{7-Spades} and raised to 2,500. Ami Barer found {A-Clubs}{K-Spades} in the big blind and he three-bet to 6,000.

Smith asked how much Barer started with and he started the hand with just shy of 40,000 chips. Smith moved all in and Barer called right away.

Barer: {A-Clubs}{K-Spades}
Smith: {7-Hearts}{7-Spades}

The board ran out {4-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} and that spelled the end for Team Canada's run! We are down to just four countries and Team USA has extended his chip lead even more so!

Player Chips Progress
Team Canada ca
Team Canada

Tags: Ami BarerDan SmithGiuliano BendinelliOle SchemionVladimir Troyanovskiy

Level: 5

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 100

Hands #32-33: A Set of Queens for Filatov

Level 4 : 400/800, 75 ante

Hand 32: Anatoly Filatov opened {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} on the button for 1,800. Team Canada's Ami Barer made the call in the big blind with {K-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. The flop came {Q-Spades}{3-Clubs}{J-Clubs} giving Filatov top set. Team Russia made a 2,000 continuation bet and Barer made the call.

Barer hit the {K-Clubs} on the turn and checked again. Filatov, still winning with his set, bet 5,600. Barer, drawing dead but no way of knowing that, made the call. {10-Hearts} on the turn and both players checked, afraid of an ace that would give anyone a straight. Filatov took it down with his set of queens.

Hand 33: Dan Smith opened for 2,000 under the gun with {10-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. Everyone folded and they tagged each other again. Time for some new players!

Tags: Ami BarerAnatoly Filatov