Vanessa Rousso is the only Team PokerStars Pro left in the field today and she just added a decent pot to move back up to 720,000 chips.
She open-limped from the hijack seat and Taha Maruf checked his option in the big blind. The flop came down and Maruf checked. Rousso fired 20,000 and her opponent made the call.
The turn card was the and Maruf checked again. Rousso fired 50,000 and Maruf made another call.
After the fell on the river, Maruf checked once more. Rousso tanked for a while and then asked for a count on Maruf's stack, which was at 330,000 chips. She then tanked a little bit more before sliding out a bet of 140,000. Maruf let his hand go and Rousso was pushed the pot.
As she was stacking her new chips, Rousso asked, "Would you have called 70?" Maruf shook his head. "40?" He shook his head again. "Anything?!?!?"
She then went on, "I got lucky on the river, deuces."