2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

$2,200 Warm Up
Day: 4
Event Info

2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Harout Ghazarian Eliminated in 12th Place ($12,260)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Harout Ghazarian
Harout Ghazarian

Action folded around to Andrei Daniliuk in the small blind who moved all in, covering Harout Ghazarian in the big blind who had 2,700,000. Ghazarian made the call and was at risk.

Harout Ghazarian: A?Q?
Andrei Daniliuk: 6?6?

It was a preflop flip that Daniliuk got the best of on the 9?10?8?8?4? runout, taking down a nice pot while putting an end to Ghazarian's deep run.

Player Chips Progress
Harout Ghazarian ca
Harout Ghazarian

Tags: Andrei DaniliukHarout Ghazarian

Govorov Continues to Climb

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Feyzullah Karaarslan opened to 250,000 from the button and was called by Ivan Govorov in the small blind.

The flop came 9?8?3?. Govorov checked, Karaarslan fired a 200,000 continuation bet and Govorov check-raised to 900,000. Karaarslan made the call.

On the 4? turn Govorov moved all in, covering Karaarslan who had roughly 2,800,000.

Karaarslan went into the tank, using a time extension before ultimately finding a fold, allowing Govorov to take down a nice pot without showdown.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Feyzullah Karaarslan tr
Feyzullah Karaarslan

Tags: Feyzullah KaraarslanIvan Govorov

Ghazarian Doubles Through Gabdullin

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Harout Ghazarian moved all in for 690,000 from early position and was called by Damir Gabdullin in the cutoff who covered to put Ghazarian at risk.

Harout Ghazarian: 4?4?
Damir Gabdullin: A?J?

The board ran out 6?10?Q?J?4?. Gabdullin had pulled ahead with a pair on the turn but Ghazarian had rivered the set of fours to secure a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Damir Gabdullin ru
Damir Gabdullin
Harout Ghazarian ca
Harout Ghazarian

Tags: Damir GabdullinHarout Ghazarian

Govorov Catches Khadra with Hand in Cookie Jar

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Ivan Govorov opened to 250,000 from the hijack and Hadi Khadra three-bet to 700,000. Govorov made the call.

The flop came K?10?5? and Govorov called a 600,000 continuation bet from Khadra.

Both players checked the 8? turn and 10? river.

Khadra tabled J?5? for a bottom pair turned into a bluff while Govorov showed down Q?Q? to take down a sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Hadi Khadra lb
Hadi Khadra

Tags: Hadi KhadraIvan Govorov

Sultan Meirbekov Eliminated in 13th Place ($10,000)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Sultan Meirbekov
Sultan Meirbekov

Ivan Govorov opened to 250,000 from middle position and Sultan Meirbekov called from the hijack.

The flop came Q?7?5?. Govorov bet 500,000 and Meirbekov moved all in for roughly 2,700,000. Govorov, who barely covered, made the call to put Meirbekov at risk.

Sultan Meirbekov: K?Q?
Ivan Govorov: A?A?

Meirbekov was in rough shape with top pair against Govorov's overpair. He found no help on the 8? turn or J? river and was eliminated from the tournament while Govorov received a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Sultan Meirbekov kz
Sultan Meirbekov

Tags: Ivan GovorovSultan Meirbekov

Dmitry Yurasov Eliminated in 14th Place ($10,000)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Dmitry Yurasov
Dmitry Yurasov

Dmitry Yurasov moved all in from the cutoff for 1,365,000 and Harout Ghazarian moved all in for 1,320,000 from the button to put himself at risk.

Harout Ghazarian: K?Q?
Dmitry Yurasov: 9?9?

Yurasov hit a set on the K?J?9? flop but Ghazarian still had outs in the form of a flush draw. He drilled the flush on the 8? turn and remaiend ahead on the 6? river to score a full double up while Yurasov was left with just under half of a big blind.

Shortly afterwards, Yurasov would get his last 45,000 chips in preflop against Damir Gabdullin.

Dmitry Yurasov: J?9?
Damir Gabdullin: A?3?

Yurasov found no help on the 5?7?10?K?K? runout and was sent to the rail while Gabdullin collected the last of his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Harout Ghazarian ca
Harout Ghazarian
Damir Gabdullin ru
Damir Gabdullin
Dmitry Yurasov ru
Dmitry Yurasov
Day 1B Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Damir GabdullinDmitry YurasovHarout Ghazarian

Giorgiy Skhulukhiya Eliminated in 15th Place ($10,000)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya

Action folded around to Ankit Ahuja in the small blind who moved all in with a stack of 3,590,000. Giorgiy Skhulukhiya in the big blind called off for his last 345,000 and was at risk.

Giorgiy Skhulukhiya: J?10?
Ankit Ahuja: A?6?

The board ran out 5?A?9?10?8?. Ahuja's pair of aces were good at showdown and he collected a decent pot while Skhulukhiya was sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya

Tags: Ankit AhujaGiorgiy Skhulukhiya

Vitkauskas Fades a Plethora of Outs

Level 28 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Martynas Vitkauskas opened to 250,000 from the hijack and received calls from Hadi Khadra on the button and Feyzullah Karaarslan in the big blind.

The flop came J?9?5?. Karaarslan checked, Vitkauskas bet 350,000, Khadra raised, Karaarslan folded and Vitkauskas moved all in for 1,400,000. Khadra snap-called to put Vitkauskas at risk.

Martynas Vitkauskas: Q?Q?
Hadi Khadra: Q?10?

Vitkauskas held an overpair but had to dodge many outs from Khadra who had both a flush draw and open-ended straight draw. The 9? turn and J? river were bricks and Vitkauskas secured a full double up through Khadra.

Player Chips Progress
Hadi Khadra lb
Hadi Khadra
Martynas Vitkauskas lt
Martynas Vitkauskas

Tags: Feyzullah KaraarslanHadi KhadraMartynas Vitkauskas

Gabdullin Leaves Skhulukhiya on Fumes

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Giorgiy Skhulukhiya moved all in for 1,610,000 from early position and was called by Damir Gabdullin who had 1,155,000, putting himself at risk.

Damir Gabdullin: Q?Q?
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya: A?K?

The board ran out 9?2?6?J?10? giving Gabdullin a full double up while Skhulukhiya was left with less than four big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Damir Gabdullin ru
Damir Gabdullin
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya

Tags: Damir GabdullinGiorgiy Skhulukhiya

Level: 28

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 120,000