Lone Star Poker Series Champions Social

Lone Star Poker Series Day 8
Day: 1

Rios Finishes off Guzman

Level 22 (75,000/150,000/150,000)

Pedro Rios raised to 650,000 preflop and Brandon Guzman called.

The flop came {6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}. Guzman quickly lead jammed all in and was snap called by Rios.

Guzman had the [jh3j] while Rios was miles ahead as he had the {k-Hearts}{4-Clubs} for top pair.

The turn was the {5-Spades} to open up straight possibilities but the river extinguished those hopes as the {7-Clubs} came off to eliminate Guzman in 2nd place.

Player Chips Progress
Pedro Rios us
Pedro Rios
Brandon Guzman us
Brandon Guzman