Shawn Patrick Ryan was just involved in a pot holding . The flop was yahtzee for him, coming out . Action was checked all the way around, and the turn brought the , giving Ryan the second-nut flush. One of his opponents bet out 1,400, Ryan called, and the third man in the pot raised to 4,400. He and Ryan ended up all in, with the unknown opponent eventually showing down for the nut flush. Ryan was crippled down to just 1,300 chips, but would soon rebound.
Facing a raise in front of him, Brent Harpe called from the button, and Ryan squeezed all in for 2,500 from the big blind, after working his way out of the hole a little bit. The original raiser ducked out, but Harpe called, putting Ryan at risk of elimination.
In a great position, Ryan watched the board run down safe: , earning him a much-needed double up to just over 5,000.