Maria Stern - 8th Place
Maria Stern has moved all in several times in the past two orbits, and when it was folded to her in the cutoff, she pushed yet again for 116,000 The button and small blind folded, but Jeff Petronack looked at his cards, smiled, and immediately called.
In a case of bad timing, Maria Stern watched the dealer spread out the last five community cards she will see today: . Failing to improve, Stern was greeted by a warm standing ovation as she made her way toward the rail. When she got there, she received hugs and kisses from about a dozen members of her family and friends, many of whom were here all day yesterday as well.
With that, we are down to our final seven male players.
Brent Sheirbon
Brent Sheirbon opened a can of worms when he came in raising to 25,000 from early position. Action folded around to the button, where Jesus Bertoli announced a reraise. He put out 57,000 total, and the betting passed back around to Sheirbon. He asked for an estimate of Bertoli's chip count, and after a moment, he moved all in for a total of 245,000. Bertoli went into the think tank for two or three minutes, counting down his stack and sitting silently. Finally, he slid his cards into the muck, saving his last 135,000 for a better spot.
With a sheepish smile, Sheirbon opened up his hand: . In the next seat over, Ryan Fee let out a big yell. "I love you, man!" said Fee, leaning over and bear-hugging Sheirbon. The seven-deuce was good enough to win him the pot, knocking Bertoli down to the short stack.
We just had our second big pot in a blind-against-blind battle.
The table passed around to Brent Sheirbon in the small blind, and he came in raising to 30,000. Ryan Fee was in the big, and he made the call.
The flop came , and Sheirbon check-called a 25,000-chip bet from Fee.
The turn brought the , and this time both players checked.
The hit the river, and Sheirbon took the betting lead, pushing out 60,000 chips. Fee sat still for a few moments and shot an occasional glance over at his opponent. After some time, he put in a raise to 160,000, which drew a blank stare from Sheirbon. He thought for another minute or two before letting his hand go.
Fee flashed as he pulled in a nice pot, courtesy of the man to his right. After that shakedown, Sheirbon has slipped to 175,000, while Fee is back to where he started the day, right about 480,000.
In a battle of the blinds, Joel Micka was first into the pot with a raise to 21,000. From the big blind, Jeff Petronack put in the call, and it was heads up to the flop.
The flop brought , and both men checked.
Fourth street was the , which drew a bet of 20,000 from Micka. Petronack wasted little time calling.
The river was the and Micka slowed down, again checking to his opponent. Petronack quickly bet 25,000, and Micka called even quicker. Jeff Petronack tabled , and it was the winner, as Micka mucked his hand.
"I shoulda bet more!" lamented Petronack as he raked in the pot. He has been climbing steadily today, and he now sits with 340,000.
In the first hand back from break, Jesus Bertoli raised to 27,000 from middle position. Two seats over, Jeff Petronack said, "All right, seventy," and slid out 14 blue T5,000 chips. Bertoli asked his opponent for a count before letting his hand go.
Brent Sheirbon opened with a button raise to 20,000. Ryan Fee folded the small blind, but Claus Rasmussen wasn't so easily deterred. After taking a minute or two to think, Rasmussen reraised to a carefully counted 62,000. Not to be outdone, Sheirbon quickly moved all in for a total of 225,000 even.
Rasmussen went deep into the tank for several minutes, slipping his cards back and forth under his hands. Finally, he did let it go, sending more than 20% of his stack over to Sheirbon.